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New Member
He is treating donations as requirements. when donations should not never be asked but always appreciated.

NO, he is not... You guys are the ones treating BETA software as if it's a finished product, and expect to have support for it as well.

The only thing that is going to delay the next version indefinitely, is if he finally abandons the project. Which I would say seems a lot more likely than your fantasy projection. Especially given all this unfounded, entitled whining.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I wouldn't hesitate to quit a 8000€ job, if it came with this amount of grief.


Active Member
We've listened to your arguments and complaints on the publicly visible Discord and even replied to them, and your response was to use straw man arguments to our replies and/or outright ignore them entirely. Therefore the thread about it was closed and locked, as none of the people there wish to be dragged into something that will endlessly continue until you get your way.

We've explained to you why this model was chosen, how the funding is used, and how it all works. We've even given you alternative ways to continue using StreamFX without funding the project, as you appear to be completely against paying someone for their time. Unfortunately it turns out this was only for you to spread misinformation, as you make up numbers that you have no way of knowing.

You will eventually have to realize that there will be no development on this project without funding. This has and always will be the case, as my hobby projects and interests have shifted quite a bit from when I started this project. Open Source is not free to maintain, it just means you can see the source code and build it yourself.

Also note that Stable versions are marked Stable because they contain no known bugs at the time of the release. This was also explained to you, which you completely ignored too.

There is a (silent) majority that agrees with the model, even if the price is higher than they expected. This majority also understands why this is necessary, and even has suggested additional monetization models to secure more funding. I'm not quite sure on future plans, but it is likely that one or two of them will end up implemented.

It is safe to say that as long as funding is there, StreamFX will not be abandoned. It will however be abandoned the moment funding ceases to exist - just like it had been up to the day I made the decision. This is why there had been no full 28.0 or 29.0 release.



Stay the course, man. Not many people are willing to understand the time and effort invested in such projects, and want everything for free, even if they make money with their setup.

Suggest you add a simple "how to" to that github site



Forum Admin
Let's keep the discussion on-topic to the plugin itself, and avoid making accusations and negative comments.

I've removed a few posts talking about forks or other methods of downloading this plugin, which are not appropriate for this thread. If you wish to release your own version, please do it outside of this resource and thread.

Thank you all for understanding.

As an additional note, as the current download of this resource links to a page and requires payment to download, I have marked it as appropriately non-free. This should hopefully help clear up any confusion.


Active Member
Xaymar updated StreamFX (for OBS® Studio) with a new update entry:

StreamFX 0.12.0 Beta 191

⚠️Pre-Releases are not meant for Production usage!⚠️

These releases are offered to Supporters with (early-)access to releases, and are not meant for Production usage. They are offered with no warranty or guarantees and the StreamFX project and its maintainers explicitly reject any responsibilities for damages or unexpected changes resulting from the use of these releases. Additionally, the project and its maintainers are not interested in any bugs, crashes or freezes...

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
I wish with the Blur filter, you could minimize the "size" to 0 instead of 1(essentially disabling the blur without disabling the filter). This would open up more options to work with other filters/plugins, like Move for example, which would allow the blur filter to fade in and fade out, instead of just instantly popping on and off.


I used to do a job dealing with customers on the phone. Many of them were complaining most of the time and it wears you down.
Someone said to me "The police think everyone is either a criminal or a victim". This is all they see.
It's the same every time you come into contact with other people.
You only see one small facet of a larger group and it's easy to think that all people fit into that small group.

The only people who called were the people with problems. All the other people who didn't call were fine and not having any issues at all.
So, I constantly reminded myself that I'm only dealing with a minority of poor souls who need extra help.

I'm seeing the same thing happen here. Most people are not having any issues at all, so they don't feel the need to report back.
You might be able to get a better feel by totalling how many people have downloaded a product against how many are actually complaining.

Personally, I am using on OBS 29 on Windows 11. I'm not having any issues. I don't feel the need to upgrade again until the stable version comes out - I'm only using it so that I could upgrade to OBS 28. I think I tried a few till I settled on that one.

I didn't feel like I needed to tell anyone. Till I read the last few pages of this discussion.

A thought occurred to me whilst I was writing this. On the pre-stable versions, you could add a periodic "Have you had any issues with this product in the last few days?" It could pop up when you load OBS, say once a week. This would give you valuable stats on how many people are using which version... etc... It might make you feel a bit better about the wonderful job you are doing :-)


I wish with the Blur filter, you could minimize the "size" to 0 instead of 1(essentially disabling the blur without disabling the filter). This would open up more options to work with other filters/plugins, like Move for example, which would allow the blur filter to fade in and fade out, instead of just instantly popping on and off.
You can use the Move command to make the Size go to Zero. ;)


Active Member
The Blur filter was undergoing a rewrite to allow for floating point sizes, instead of the current integer sizes. You can emulate the future behavior right now by modifying the step size on Gaussian or Box blur.
This has some side effects, as none of the filters were intended to go to 0 size. It's better to scale the step size instead of the size itself.

A thought occurred to me whilst I was writing this. On the pre-stable versions, you could add a periodic "Have you had any issues with this product in the last few days?" It could pop up when you load OBS, say once a week. This would give you valuable stats on how many people are using which version... etc... It might make you feel a bit better about the wonderful job you are doing :-)
The last number I tracked had unique users at around 18000, plus/minus a thousand or two, so it's pretty much a given that the people that have a problem with the current monetization model are a minority. I've given everyone the option of voluntarily supporting the project for the last 5 years, but unfortunately it hasn't really improved the situation, so monetization was the only sustainable way forward. I appreciate all those which understand why this monetization is necessary, even if they aren't vocal about it.

I've got a few changes planned for stable v0.12 that will hopefully drive more people to supporting the project. While I don't know how each of them will be received ahead of time (some will most likely result in another burst requiring a moderator to step in), they'll still be implemented.


I think everyone should give the developer some space. It is his project and he is feeling like he needs more compensation for his time. He just released a new beta, so development is happening. I have no idea how large the change was from OBS 27 to 28/29, so how can I judge? I just hope he decides to reach a final release for OBS 29 and that the OBS developers do not make large changes for OBS 30 and start this whole cycle again!


I'm glad to see Xaymar is doing well with Patreon.

It is true: the people who complain are the ones who would never donate anyway. I speak from experience.


New Member

I had to reinstall the latest stable release today, but OBS is complaining that it failed to load. Then it mentions to update it or remove it.


Does anyone have any insight on installing StreamFX in OBS 29.02 on a mac M2 (Ventura 13.3)?

I am following the mac install directions on this page but I never get the option #6
  • Select Install for me only and click Continue.
At that option, I only see a list of available drives back on the destination select for the install.

As a result it installs the plugin under /Library/Application Support/obs-studio/plugins rather than ~/Library/... and I get no indication that it is installed when I start OBS.


  • StreamFXinstall1.png
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  • StreamFXInstall.png
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