Encoding overload/ cpu to hot?


Active Member
10:48:25.228: Output 'simple_stream': Total frames output: 75293
10:48:25.228: Output 'simple_stream': Total drawn frames: 75403
10:48:25.231: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================
10:48:25.341: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing

10:24:26.488: Output 'simple_stream': Total frames output: 134902
10:24:26.488: Output 'simple_stream': Total drawn frames: 134968
10:24:26.491: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================

12:17:54.688: Output 'simple_stream': stopping
12:17:54.688: Output 'simple_stream': Total frames output: 92898
12:17:54.688: Output 'simple_stream': Total drawn frames: 93030 (93031 attempted)
12:17:54.688: Output 'simple_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 1 (0.0%)
12:17:54.688: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 4/92958 (0.0%)
12:17:54.691: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================
12:17:54.778: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing


Active Member
Next step, rebuild your Scene Collection slowly, test along the way or go back to the old collection & start troubleshooting it. I won't be helping with either.


Active Member
Fire up GPU-Z when you get a chance & confirm your 3070 is running @ x16 4.0 & not x8 4.0.

Video Encode Thread is still on the slow side. It should look more like this.
21:08:11.522: obs_graphics_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.572 ms, median=16.667 ms, max=373.675 ms, 99.9853% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (0.00756859% lower, 0.00710284% higher)
21:08:11.522: obs_gpu_encode_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.174 ms, median=16.671 ms, max=54.188 ms, 95.8738% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (1.94175% lower, 2.18447% higher)
21:08:11.522: obs_gpu_encode_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.239 ms, median=16.664 ms, max=52.542 ms, 97.4246% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (1.05248% lower, 1.52287% higher)
21:08:11.522: obs_gpu_encode_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.207 ms, median=16.663 ms, max=163.72 ms, 96.3167% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (1.50275% lower, 2.18056% higher)
21:08:11.522: obs_gpu_encode_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.287 ms, median=16.664 ms, max=45.766 ms, 96.2005% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (1.66359% lower, 2.13596% higher)
21:08:11.522: obs_gpu_encode_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.274 ms, median=16.663 ms, max=65.359 ms, 95.8251% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (1.80549% lower, 2.36939% higher)

Not this:
10:48:27.277: obs_graphics_thread(16.6667 ms): min=6.132 ms, median=16.667 ms, max=1088 ms, 99.7508% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (0.126361% lower, 0.122818% higher)
10:48:27.277: obs_gpu_encode_thread(16.6667 ms): min=5.508 ms, median=16.672 ms, max=28.499 ms, 36.4933% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (31.6411% lower, 31.8656% higher)


Active Member
Double check your capture settings, some of the logs it's correct but
09:46:39.110: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] d3d12_init: device=0x26D9D5386D0
09:46:39.110: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC:
09:46:39.110: BufferDesc.Width: 2560
09:46:39.110: BufferDesc.Height: 1369


Those logs look way better than the slop you were rolling out earlier.

Personally I think your audio routing is lame, using both Global & Source Audio concurrently. Not a good idea. Might be the cause of the audio lag but further testing will be needed on your end.
i dont understand what global and source audio you mean?

in global audio device under settings, i have it disabled and jsut use the mic under source.

Could be forgot when tried a clean profile- but its how i usually have it (just checked- and it wasnt disabled on this profile)

im not sure what to look at in the other logs you posted?

i shall test again later.


Fire up GPU-Z when you get a chance & confirm your 3070 is running @ x16 4.0 & not x8 4.0.

Video Encode Thread is still on the slow side. It should look more like this.
21:08:11.522: obs_graphics_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.572 ms, median=16.667 ms, max=373.675 ms, 99.9853% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (0.00756859% lower, 0.00710284% higher)
21:08:11.522: obs_gpu_encode_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.174 ms, median=16.671 ms, max=54.188 ms, 95.8738% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (1.94175% lower, 2.18447% higher)
21:08:11.522: obs_gpu_encode_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.239 ms, median=16.664 ms, max=52.542 ms, 97.4246% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (1.05248% lower, 1.52287% higher)
21:08:11.522: obs_gpu_encode_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.207 ms, median=16.663 ms, max=163.72 ms, 96.3167% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (1.50275% lower, 2.18056% higher)
21:08:11.522: obs_gpu_encode_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.287 ms, median=16.664 ms, max=45.766 ms, 96.2005% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (1.66359% lower, 2.13596% higher)
21:08:11.522: obs_gpu_encode_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.274 ms, median=16.663 ms, max=65.359 ms, 95.8251% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (1.80549% lower, 2.36939% higher)

Not this:
10:48:27.277: obs_graphics_thread(16.6667 ms): min=6.132 ms, median=16.667 ms, max=1088 ms, 99.7508% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (0.126361% lower, 0.122818% higher)
10:48:27.277: obs_gpu_encode_thread(16.6667 ms): min=5.508 ms, median=16.672 ms, max=28.499 ms, 36.4933% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (31.6411% lower, 31.8656% higher)
ive never used it before.
where do i see what its running at?

in my nvidia control panel it says x16 gen 2

so im guessing thats what its suppsoed to be at.
Last edited:


Active Member

The stats indicate that there's room for improvement due to slower than expected performance for your set-up. Check the PCI-e buss for proper operation & update the capture resolution prior & let it rip.



The stats indicate that there's room for improvement due to slower than expected performance for your set-up. Check the PCI-e buss for proper operation & update the capture resolution prior & let it rip.
how do i check the pci bus is its ok?

ill ahve a look at the capture resolution too:)



The stats indicate that there's room for improvement due to slower than expected performance for your set-up. Check the PCI-e buss for proper operation & update the capture resolution prior & let it rip.
ok so,..im not sure how to do that- but i think its by doing a render test from teh graphics card menu`?
if thats correct in that section it said to look to the bus interface readout, which i think is in the sensors tab?

in that tab, during the render test, the bus interface load went between 6-10%

i dont know how much it should go to? or if i checked it right.

when i used the lookup i got the message graphics devide lookup failed, we could not find your gpu in our database, which may not yet dispay rare or unreleased devices,..which is strenace as i havea envidia geforce rtx 3070, which is neither rare or unreleased


Active Member
Lookup just opens up https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/nvidia-geforce-rtx-3090-founders-edition.b8046

I do have an FE.



Active Member
Founder's Edition

Cool! If it was running @ x8 4.0, your 3070 would be getting nerfed. I did some benchmark testing with my set-up using both x16 & x8 configurations & the difference was about 25%.

Check that capture res/update if needed & run a test. If there's still some funk, run a second test with the main monitor @ 60HZ instead of 120HZ.


Founder's Edition

Cool! If it was running @ x8 4.0, your 3070 would be getting nerfed. I did some benchmark testing with my set-up using both x16 & x8 configurations & the difference was about 25%.

Check that capture res/update if needed & run a test. If there's still some funk, run a second test with the main monitor @ 60HZ instead of 120HZ.
starting to slowly build a new profile, it took a while as it drained me for energy, i have a chronic illness, so when things get annoying its jsut doubles up:p

log from today, poe2

no encoder overlaods,..now im getting bitrate to low. but its still at 4000, which i set it to to prevent the overload errors, and is what ive been suiong for months now.

also when i booted up a game with the new profile it didnt scale properly within obs so i had to transform/ stretch it,..which made me think about what you said about the resolution.

should my rescale outpout (in streaming settings advanced) be set to something?
now its on disabled, and in the second option its 2560x1440

is this correct or does it need to be changed in some way?

should the base canvas be set to a certain resolution? im not sure if it scales to my monitor now or what, i dont remember if i did soe,mthign about the canvas/ resolution when i first started using obs in the other profile


Active Member
4 hour encode, not too shabby. Running the main monitor @ 60HZ should reduce or eliminate what remains.
19:32:14.778: Output 'adv_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 135 (0.0%)

You had OBS running with Base/Output resolutions @ 1080p in the old Profile. Both settings are @ 1440p now. It's up to you how you want to set it up. Your monitors are both 1440p. Do you record? What resolution do you want to stream? ect.

You're now streaming @ 1440p, 4000 is way too low. If I was streaming 1440p, it would be somewhere around 12000kbps+.


4 hour encode, not too shabby. Running the main monitor @ 60HZ should reduce or eliminate what remains.
19:32:14.778: Output 'adv_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 135 (0.0%)

You had OBS running with Base/Output resolutions @ 1080p in the old Profile. Both settings are @ 1440p now. It's up to you how you want to set it up. Your monitors are both 1440p. Do you record? What resolution do you want to stream? ect.

You're now streaming @ 1440p, 4000 is way too low. If I was streaming 1440p, it would be somewhere around 12000kbps+.
no, i only stream.
i ahvent really given it a thoguth at what resolution i want to stream in, i jsut want all teh errors to "begone":p
but if i increase the kbps, wont i be starting getting erros again? lowering the kbps was one of the tips i had earlier to get rid of the overload, so im scared its gonna happen again if i increase it.

but then again, will it increase the stain on the encoding thing to have to change the resolution to 1080?
(also i have no idea why it changed from 1080 to 1440,..i think it must have changed it on its own somehow, cause i dont remember doing something to the canvas neither at the start in the frist profile, nor in this one)

what would you reccomend i stream in?

is the errors from the stream element chat overlay soemthing to worry about? or is it common for them to produce those kinds of logs?


Active Member
4000? 720p

If you can get to 6000 or better without dropping frames, 1080p.

I don't use that crap but errors are errors & they are java script errors so they may or may not be wasting resources. Test with them out of the way.



4000? 720p

If you can get to 6000 or better without dropping frames, 1080p.

I don't use that crap but errors are errors & they are java script errors so they may or may not be wasting resources. Test with them out of the way.

View attachment 111026
i dont have any tip jar overlays, the only browser overlay i have is the chat right now.
in twitch itself i have a prime sub reminder extension, but thats not connected to obs.

in my old profile i had a sound alert overlay, but its not been put into this profile yet, if ppl want to tip i have link on my twitch profile, page- but its not connected to obs other than alerts like the ones you get if you have new followers/ subs etc- but again, nothing has been added to the new profile yet. gonna add a new scene/ source/ overlay for each stream, and see if/ when im getting issues again

the chat overlay isnt excactly necesasy, as twitch has its own chat on the side, but for people watching the vids when im not live it makes it easier to keep track of the flow of the "conversation". the chatoverlay is the only thing connecting me to streamlabs-

so since i do not remember having tweaked the resolution myself, i do change it it settings- output and in the advanced straming setting, i just change it there next to the rescale output?
or is it under settings- video and the resolutions there? if so, would i have to change both the base and the output resoliution?
or is it somewhere else?jsut to make sure i dont break anything:p

ion my old profile i see its 1080 in all those 3 spots i mentioned, so im assuming thats where i do alter it,... but im not 100% sure


Active Member
Like I said, I don't use SE so I have no idea what is or isn't happening in the background. You'll need to figure that out.

Set 1080p as your Base & Output Resolutions. Settings > Video

Disable Scaling on the Streaming/Recording Output tabs.


Like I said, I don't use SE so I have no idea what is or isn't happening in the background. You'll need to figure that out.

Set 1080p as your Base & Output Resolutions. Settings > Video

Disable Scaling on the Streaming/Recording Output tabs.
ok, so guess i was optimistic a bit to soon

so i didnt change the monitor thing yet, (as i wanted to just test out one change at a time) But i did change the resolution to 1080 in the video tab base/ resolution- and thats the only change from my last stream.
the rescale output in output tab is set to disable, and now im getting the render and encoder overlaod again.

today i played a game that shouldnt be stressfull for the pc at all, its a pixelstyle game called omori.
i didnt see any renderlag/ encoder error in obs as i was playing, but i see it in the log now. and since the resolution is the only thing i touched since then, it must be connected. but why would it be worse to stream at a lower resolution than the higher one?
