CamooZ - Save & restore camera settings

CamooZ - Save & restore camera settings 7.4.2

CamooZ only allows adjustment of settings made available by the respective webcams. So, no magic. The purpose of this app is to be able to export and import those settings so that you don't have to redo this each time you need them.


* How I can do this settings remotely? *
I'm not sure I understand your question. It's a Windows program - so if you have remote access with remote desktop or teamviewer you can run it on the machine you're making the setup for

I have this same question about accessing the settings remotely... Pretty much like an API
I would like to create increase zoom or brightness with a command line or some other http request of some sort..

So if I want to zoom my camera in via these settings, or pan left I would like to be able to send a command to the program to do that, without me actually using the UI itself.


@Gitago Understood, thanks!

I'll not make any promises, but it's an interesting piece of work and I will probably start playing around with it ;-)


falti updated CamooZ - Tool to manage (and save and restore) camera settings with a new update entry:

CamooZ with web interface

I have added one more app into the download package that allows you to control your camera from another PC via web browser.

View attachment 79053

View attachment 79056

Setup: run CamooZWeb.exe on the local machine that is: the one with the camera(s), copy the ip-address incl. the port and access the camera settings from anywhere in your network.

Read the rest of this update entry...


@Vitalicus @Gitago

I have created a web based version of CamooZ - check latest version. So far managing the cam works as well as the local version - no saving in profiles yet, that is still work to do.

I'd appreciate your feedback


@Vitalicus @Gitago

I have created a web based version of CamooZ - check latest version. So far managing the cam works as well as the local version - no saving in profiles yet, that is still work to do.

I'd appreciate your feedback

Is this web-app version of this able to take a param via url to activate things?
This was my intentions, either that or being able to pass this same kind of info via command line

For example

or via command line camooze.exe -zoom 50


@Gitago Commands via URL string are also intended - yet I had so much fun learning to expose functions as a webserver that I gave the web GUI the priority :-)

Stay tuned


@Gitago How does this look to you? ;-)

CamoozWeb 1.3
Available Commands (use upper or lowercase letter or any mixture of them):

/set?camera=0 alias /set?cam=0
/set?BacklightCompensation=1 alias /set?bc=1 (allowed values between 0 and 1, interval is 1)
/set?Brightness=255 alias /set?bn=255 (allowed values between 0 and 255, interval is 1)
/set?Contrast=255 alias /set?ct=255 (allowed values between 0 and 255, interval is 1)
/set?Exposure=-1 alias /set?ex=-1 (allowed values between -7 and -1, interval is 1)
/set?Focus=250 alias /set?fo=250 (allowed values between 0 and 250, interval is 5)
/set?Gain=255 alias /set?gn=255 (allowed values between 0 and 255, interval is 1)
/set?Pan=10 alias /set?pa=10 (allowed values between -10 and 10, interval is 1)
/set?Saturation=255 alias /set?sa=255 (allowed values between 0 and 255, interval is 1)
/set?Sharpness=255 alias /set?sh=255 (allowed values between 0 and 255, interval is 1)
/set?Tilt=10 alias /set?ti=10 (allowed values between -10 and 10, interval is 1)
/set?WhiteBalance=6500 alias /set?wb=6500 (allowed values between 2000 and 6500, interval is 1)
/set?Zoom=500 alias /set?zo=500 (allowed values between 100 and 500, interval is 1)
To toggle auto on and off: /set?focus=autoon /set?focus=autooff (any AUTO capable value can be toggled) /set?frequency=60 alias /set?fr=60(allowed values are only 50 or 50)

Make sure you use a valid interval - e.g. /set?focus=4 has no effect if the interval is 5 (that means valid settings are 0,5,10,15, etc.)

To increase or decrease use /inc or /dec commands:
/inc?brightness alias /inc?bn
/dec?contrast alias /inc?ct
inc and dec will use a valid interval automatically

You can concatenate /set parameters as follows: /set?camera=1,brightness=200,exposure=5,contrast=128
or concatenate with aliases of course, like this: /set?cam=1,bn=200,ex=5,ct=128

"0" or "255" are just examples - set the value you want!
If the value you specify is not within camera ranges no change will take place
e.g. frequency will only accept 50 or 60, brightness will be allowed between 0 and 255. There can be NO spaces anywhere in the string


falti updated CamooZ - Manage, save, restore camera settings local and remote with a new update entry:

CamooZWeb with save/restore and command line

CamooZWeb now has save/restore functionality. You can create, save to load from and delete profiles. One set wil be provided per camera.

Also it comes with command line functions to be added to the URL like this:


Complete help on commands is on the main page.

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
Hi, I come here for a problem.
I am not able to download here, using the google chrome browser it does not download.
I only managed to download it using microsoft EDGE browser, and it marked it as inappropriate and I forced it to keep it and that's how I managed to download it.

I believe, that it is chrome that does not let the download, that it may be signaling something strange in the ".zip"

sorry guys for my english.


New Member
Hi @falti ,
great idea with the Web-Server, I like it!
However, I noticed some weird behavior on the main application: The sliders to control the values seem to be broken in the latest version 5.2 as opposed to version 5. See the screenshot below:

For example: clicking on the "White balance" slider in v5.2 and trying to drag it into any direction will set it to the smallest value of 2000 and with the mouse it cannot be increased.



Now I know this sounds like the usual "Is your computer connected to a power outlet" - and yet:
Have you considered increasing the width of the window?
