New Member
Hey y'all! Anybody know of a solution like this that works for a multiple PC setup?
[] Traceback (most recent call last):
[] File "C:\Program Files/obs-studio/data/obs-plugins/frontend-tools/scripts\", line 871, in <module>
[] zs = ZoomSettings(cwd, settings_dir, settings_file_name)
[] File "C:\Program Files/obs-studio/data/obs-plugins/frontend-tools/scripts\", line 81, in __init__
[] makedirs(self.file_dir)
[] File "C:\Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python310\lib\", line 225, in makedirs
[] mkdir(name, mode)
[] PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 'C:\\Program Files\\obs-studio\\data\\obs-plugins\\frontend-tools\\scripts\\settings'
Exactly. I need help too.Does it actually work?
- I have installed Python 3.7.9, and installed the two dependency Python packages as well (Pynput and Screeninfo).
- I also made sure to point to the Python install folder path.
- When I add the script into the script list in OBS, I get a statement that merely says "No properties available".
- I can tell by looking at the file in a text editor that certainly are supposed to be a slew of properties.