Weather Alert notification in stream


New Member
Good Day folks,

I've recently started a weather channel on youtube and I use OBS for my streams. I wanted to have a feature in my stream that when a new severe thunderstorm warning or a tornado warning is issued from anywhere in the US that an alert pops up in my stream. I don't know how I can get this to work as I have seen it done in other weather enthusiasts channels I'm just not good at coding.

I know the National Weather Service issues alerts either by an RSS feed or through ATOM. These alerts don't always show up on the top of the feed so I don't know if there is way that if an new alert is sent through the feed that a specific search parameter would see the title having "Tornado Warning" or "Severe Thunderstorm Warning" and could create a sound alert and a popup on my stream. Of course this alert would also need to have the county the alert is issued in with the state abbreviation.

If there is anyone willing to help I would highly appreciate it. I've searched many plugins and don't seem to find anything in regards to this.


New Member
Good Day folks,

I've recently started a weather channel on youtube and I use OBS for my streams. I wanted to have a feature in my stream that when a new severe thunderstorm warning or a tornado warning is issued from anywhere in the US that an alert pops up in my stream. I don't know how I can get this to work as I have seen it done in other weather enthusiasts channels I'm just not good at coding.

I know the National Weather Service issues alerts either by an RSS feed or through ATOM. These alerts don't always show up on the top of the feed so I don't know if there is way that if an new alert is sent through the feed that a specific search parameter would see the title having "Tornado Warning" or "Severe Thunderstorm Warning" and could create a sound alert and a popup on my stream. Of course this alert would also need to have the county the alert is issued in with the state abbreviation.

If there is anyone willing to help I would highly appreciate it. I've searched many plugins and don't seem to find anything in regards to this.


New Member
I am attempting to do the same thing. I have started using Titler Live 5 Present. It's very finicky and expensive. Surely there is a better way to do this!


Good Day folks,

I've recently started a weather channel on youtube and I use OBS for my streams. I wanted to have a feature in my stream that when a new severe thunderstorm warning or a tornado warning is issued from anywhere in the US that an alert pops up in my stream. I don't know how I can get this to work as I have seen it done in other weather enthusiasts channels I'm just not good at coding.

I know the National Weather Service issues alerts either by an RSS feed or through ATOM. These alerts don't always show up on the top of the feed so I don't know if there is way that if an new alert is sent through the feed that a specific search parameter would see the title having "Tornado Warning" or "Severe Thunderstorm Warning" and could create a sound alert and a popup on my stream. Of course this alert would also need to have the county the alert is issued in with the state abbreviation.

If there is anyone willing to help I would highly appreciate it. I've searched many plugins and don't seem to find anything in regards to this.
Unless you want to manually trigger the alerts, every single forecast API I could find does cost a lot.


New Member
I'm using Titler Live as well but it's a pain for alerts. I would be very interested in a plugin for obs that would allow us to select the counties we would like to receive alerts for and the alert type. Then have the alert dumped into a text file and scroll. it would work very similarly to the EAS scroll you see on TV. Someone is missing a great opportunity. Heck, I would pay nicely for such a plugin!

Smart Net

there is some way for you, however it is so simple that need to be tested:

try to use TXT from File - need to be conected with RSS FEED source file - and after use Keywords to create the alert with downstream keyer obs. finally when STORM will be shown at the TXT file you will be able to create alert image and sound to inform your followers.

We also looking forward for plugin but nowdays it is only solution for LIVE RSS FEED


New Member
Hey Everyone,

I have really been wanting to find the lower thirds that you see other weather streamers use but I dont know if those were made by there team or if they are avalible online or if you have to pay for them. I like the way they display new warnings and watches cause I have been wanting to figure this out too. I was researching online to see if I could find a way too. I stubled upon this forum hoping to find some help. Examples would be like Ryan Hall Y'all.

Hope Everyone has a great day.


New Member
So a few days ago, I was going crazy, cuz I couldn't find the trigger to automaticly display Weather Watches/Warnings to on my streams like Ryan Hall Y'all Or James Pettus. Their Overlays down here


New Member
Screenshot 2024-05-01 182032.png
Screenshot 2024-05-01 181638.png


New Member
Can anyone please help me. It stressful typing the alerts or displaying them, For example: A new severe thunderstorm warning has been issued. please help if you can.

Smart Net

Can anyone please help me. It stressful typing the alerts or displaying them, For example: A new severe thunderstorm warning has been issued. please help if you can.
Let us try... please send the source/web from which you are going to get the warning info. Ryan doing very good job and using several ways to display the data overlays (location/txt/alert type), however we need to check the trigger solution for you.