Source Dock

Source Dock 0.4.0

What's the CPU/GPU utilization with this? Would it be similar to running Multiview?
seems pretty good, I have 8 windows opened and it's running about the same as Multiview. Don't know if you'll even see this, but would it be possible to implement a click to preview? So similar to how Multiview works but with each individual dock. So clicking on X source dock would result in setting it to the preview? (Running in Studio mode because I livestream for a Church)


Active Member
CPU/GPU utilization should be similar to a source projector or interact dialog.
To switch scenes by clicking on them can be something that I can add optional.


New Member
So I noticed a bug or a feature you could look into. When I am in studio mode and I have the sources set to switch when clicked on they dont appear in the preview window first, instead they go straight to live. (A miner inconvenience I know) Just thought you should be aware of it. Thanks
Great plugin concept! However, my application is this, and it is not working:

I have a web page that provides specialized functionality, and while the functions on the page (buttons, etc.) function if I add it as a custom dock, when added as a Browser source, then used in Source Dock, the web page is non-functional.


New Member
Great stuff again. In my use cases, in ice hockey streaming, this approach is better than having multiview open, now all relevant will be in one window.

Did some testing with version 0.1.1, but had issues with selecting options. No matter what I select at dock create time I cannot get Volume meter, Audio controls or Media controls set. Neither can I update options later. Also listing of existing docks in Source dock window is currently unstable. Reopening the window from the menu restores all docks in the list.


New Member
Great and helpful plugin, fantastic work @Exeldro
I use it at a Mac and my problem is that when I shut OBS and start it again (next day i.e.) the program has the sources forgotten. I mean under Tools they are active but they are not shown at the OBS layout. Hope I can explain? What is my mistake? Thanls lot
Bildschirmfoto 2021-07-13 um 20.11.24.png
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I am using the Execute Command to create a source, which is a command to launch Chrome the way I wish (with certain switches) -- but when I add it to the Source Dock tool, nothing is displayed.
Asked this yesterday... but I really need this....

Is there a way to get the Execute Command plugin, that I have set to launch a Chrome browser that actually allows for mic usage, to display something in the dock window other than a blank screen?


When using a 'browser source' within a source dock, it does not appear possible to interact with it.. Is this something that was 'disabled' in the recent update or perhaps an error on my side?