Source Clone

Source Clone 0.1.5


New Member
This plugin saved my life using Obs to create content and live stream! Tks for that!
Just have one question, works in windows 11 also? I recommended to a lot of people and many are using through my channel, indicating this plugin, but people that could not install are using windows 11.
If somebody knows it, I would appreciate a confirmation. Thanks a lot for the development!


New Member
I have the following issue: Scene A with Source Clone A. The Source Clone refers to an Atem input with audio. Scene B has Source Clone B that refers to the same Atem input with audio. Source Clone A has a blur filter and Source Clone B has some other FX. So far so good....But when I switch between Sene A and Scene B ( cut transition ) , the audio input is doubled for about 1 second; i.e. for 1 second I have the audio of Source Clone A AND Source Clone B visible in the Audio Mixer AND audible on my audio output.
We had a livestream of a band the other day and everytime I switched scenes there was a 1 second jump in audio-volume.
What am I doing wrong here? ( OBS 29.1.3 ) ( Source Clone 1.4 )
Thanks in advance...;)
Hi, i've been using this plugin for a while and it does great thing. This may be an obs thing not a plugin thing but. When i go to the properties of the source clone and want to change it's target there are sooooo many targets that done exist. I recently changed my capture card setup so i went through and pruned/added new sources while leaving the clones in place because they had the majority of the transforms ect.
in the clone source properties i see all the new sources, the clones themselves(expected) but all of the old sources that have been pruned are also there. I noticed some from more than my recent pass at cleanup as well. Is there some way to remove the old ones?
As i said this might be just an OBS thing but i only see it when i try to point a clone at a source.

Thanks for your work on this, it allows for so many nice things.


New Member
Hey @Exeldro ! Been using this for a bit and wanted to report an issue:

I have a Scene for videos with Groups, each Group has a set of media Sources.
I am Cloning the Group of those Sources and putting it into a Scene. Then Cloning that Scene into my main stream Scene.
The issue from there is that the media/video sources do not play correctly unless I switch back to the parent scene and back to my main to show them in the positions I set from the previous clones.

Is there a way to find this within a log file?


New Member
also would like to report that Groups show up twice in the source list


  • Screenshot 2023-11-15 113733.png
    Screenshot 2023-11-15 113733.png
    59.3 KB · Views: 53


New Member
i don't know since which OBS versions, but source clone, makes my MOVE TRANSITIONS looks like this:

this always happens when starting OBS/scene collections for the first time, and after an amount of idle time not showing that scene.

i'm using
- OBS v30.0.0
- Source Clone 0.1.4
- Move Transition 2.9.6

this is only happens when i using SOURCE CLONE. if i'm just using "scene", it just works perfectly.

and this always happening lately since i'm updating OBS to v29 or v30 (if i'm not mistaken)

can u fix this? cause this one is really annoying :(
thanks in advance!


Hello @Exeldro i've tried your plugin for duplicate my game capture source. Unfortunately when i want to add filters on te source clone, it can do it only with audio filters and not with video filters. Do you know a workaround for it? Thanks a lot


Active Member
@r3dd3vil you should have a section for audio filters at the top and effect filters at the bottom, video filters should be in the bottom section.


@r3dd3vil you should have a section for audio filters at the top and effect filters at the bottom, video filters should be in the bottom section.
View attachment 100154
I think the issue that @r3dd3vil has is the same as the guy who filed this GH issue. And I made the same wrong assumption. By the description "to allow different filters than the original" I thought this would allow adding async filters to sync sources, which would include video. But I guess "to allow different audio filters than the original" would be more accurate then, to not raise false hopes

Do you think you could treat that GH issue as a feature request and actually add a source that can do this in a future version? Probably should be an additional source, something like "Source Clone (Async)" I guess.


New Member
I have several scenes that use the same audio source between them, but we recently bought a camcorder that we use wirelessly and it is having a delay.

Is it possible to use Clone Source to clone this repeated audio input, insert it into the camcorder scene that is having delay and insert a delay in the audio without affecting the other scenes with the delay inserted in the audio?


New Member
Has anyone run in to an issue with Source Clone when using obs-webhooks to create Inputs? I've somehow narrowed it down to the Input being created with a sourceHeight/sourceWidth of 1, which is apparently something that cannot be corrected.


New Member
When creating an Input with webhooks, OBS seems to calculate the height/width of a source based on the sourceHeight/sourceWidth and ScaleX/Y values at the time of creation. So when it creates the source-clone input type and sets sourceHeight/Width to 1, you end up with a calculated height/width of 1 (assuming scale of 1). The clones are effectively invisible. But I don't know if that's anything you can fix or something solely on how webhook creation works on Inputs vs via the UI.

Adding to that is an issue where even if you stretch the clones out by manually editing the transform, something seems broken with them and they only ever show as black unless you fully restart OBS. So there may be even more going wonky under the hood that I haven't been able to sus out.

If it helps at all, 4 images attached.

Image 01: Manually created scene with 1 Colour Source and 1 Text Source, plus the Text Source's transform info.
Image 02: The duplicated scene using source clones, the Text Source Clone is now 1x1 and nothing is visible. (Swapping back and forth from the original scene doesn't fix anything, either)
Image 03: Manually adjusting the size of the Text Source Clone, showing that even the stretched source is still black.
Image 04: After restarting OBS, the cloned scene is now visible. One thing I just clocked is that the size increase of the Text Source Clone from Image 3 (308x308) has now been multiplied by the original source's dimensions (UI doesn't display the full number but after outputting the scene item information the Text Source Clone is 174,328 x 38192 (566 x 124 scaled by 308)

Starting to think it may just be an incomplete creation step on webhooks' end that is only corrected once OBS rebuilds everything on restart?

(Use and love a bunch of your plugins, they're all fantastic!)


New Member
I think I found a bug, when you create a source clone using OBS Raw, the source clone source ignores the settings I created it with, creating a 1x1 empty source clone source, showing in the audio mixer even if I created it with no audio.
For it to work you have to manually go to it's settings and touch anything there for everything to work. For example if I mark the audio checkbox, then the cloned source becomes visible OR if i check the Active clone and audio was off, the cloned source becomes visible AND audio disappears from the audio mixer... Hope I explained it good enough ^^U
Sadly this solution is not doing it for me since the way I'm setting it is for automation.

What I'm creating works fine if the source is an image created with OBS Raw, but wanted to check if using a source clone is better cpu wise, since I would be cloning an already loaded image instead of loading the same imagest every time.

Thanks and hope this is something fixable