Recording at Constant Frame Rate in Obs


New Member
My frame rate is changing at recording. I need a constant frame rate at recording in obs
I have also tried force-crf=1 option in custom muxer settings, But it did not help me out. I need to recording at constant frame rate 30fps. Is there any settings for that?

Screenshot from 2024-05-17 11-00-45.png

In the bottom right it changing fps like this. i need 30 FPS/ 30 FPS


Active Member
How's your system load? Is it pegged? OBS tries to keep the frame rate that you set, but if it runs out of juice, then it does what it can.

I see that OBS is measuring your CPU load at 74.9%. That's only what OBS itself is using. It doesn't have access to the rest of the system to measure that, so the reading here will always be lower than the total load. I think you probably *are* pegged in total.


They came to Discord and it turned out there didn't have a GPU driver running and OBS was running in softare mode.