OBS Studio 28.0 Release Candidate

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new update after ndi plugin show error how fix
Please check our OBS Studio 28 Plugin Compatibility page or this pinned obs-ndi Issue.

Yes, it works. I just don't think it should log such errors.

I have already updated GC513 to the latest version.
If the capture card itself works, then we will take note of this, but it will likely be low priority to address this.

Hello, I would like to send you a bug:

When I launch several audio applications, obs bug on mac ARM (wave link + spotify+streamdeck )

It worked well on the old version, can you explain to me why?

The sound becomes very weird at times and necessarily I have to cut everything.
Without an OBS log from a version where it worked and a version where there is an issue, we cannot look into this.


I think that the OBS Studio 28 Plugin Compatibility site is a kind of misleading. For e.g. the StreamFX plugin marked as available while the StreamFX site labeled the latest version as Alpha (Preview Release not for Production!). So at the moment there are no safe/working StreamFX version for OBS 28.



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I think that the OBS Studio 28 Plugin Compatibility site is a kind of misleading. For e.g. the StreamFX plugin marked as available while the StreamFX site labeled the latest version as Alpha (Preview Release not for Production!). So at the moment there are no safe/working StreamFX version for OBS 28.
There is a build available, so that is how we marked it. Whether or not you consider it safe enough for your needs/use-case is up to you. If we marked it as "In Progress", there would be people telling us that it's "Available" because there's an Alpha build. For the purposes of our compatibility list, we decided that "Available" meant that "a build had been released by the maintainer". We may consider writing up some kind of key to describe each status.


New Member
here are the logs

sorry I'm a beginner I offer you everything I have on my Mac M1 native

do you plan to set up audio management like voicemeeter in the OBS M1?

To avoid using wavelink by elgato under roseta for example.

How do you manage audio on M1?


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here are the logs

sorry I'm a beginner I offer you everything I have on my Mac M1 native

do you plan to set up audio management like voicemeeter in the OBS M1?

To avoid using wavelink by elgato under roseta for example.

How do you manage audio on M1?
This really sounds like it should be in the the Mac Support forum or in our Discord server in either #macos-support or #audio-support.

do you plan to set up audio management like voicemeeter in the OBS M1?

How do you manage audio on M1?
This is more of a support question. Please either make your own thread in Mac Support or join our Discord server and ask in #macos-support or #audio-support.


New Member
You ask me for the logs to finally redirect me to the audio support?

It's not a problem of configuration but of your software (Because on version 27 it worked perfectly, why I don't know but it's not related to my config or installation because I tested on my windows laptop = no problem.

Would there be a difference in audio management between roseta and native arm


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You ask me for the logs to finally redirect me to the audio support?

It's not a problem of configuration but of your software (Because on version 27 it worked perfectly, why I don't know but it's not related to my config or installation because I tested on my windows laptop = no problem.

Would there be a difference in audio management between roseta and native arm
Yes, I redirected you because those places are more appropriate for addressing your specific question, in my opinion. It would be best to have a single, well explained post of "what is wrong" with a single log showing when it worked and a single log showing when it does not work. I believe it is more likely that someone in the places that I've suggested will understand the problem than someone watching this thread.

Windows and macOS are extremely different. They should rarely be compared, especially concerning audio. Capturing audio on macOS is different from capturing audio on Windows.

No, there is no difference in audio management between Rosetta and native Apple Silicon versions. There is a difference in audio management between Windows and macOS. There is also a difference in audio management between macOS 12 and macOS 13.


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I don't see any options to choose GPU on OBS v28 with AMF. Can this be done with some option at least?
No. The AMF encoder should always run on the GPU that you load OBS on. If you want to use the AMF encoder on a different GPU, you'll need to force Windows to run OBS on that GPU. It's almost always recommended to run OBS on the discrete GPU.


New Member
I love the new application audio capturing. So fed up of changing application audio in sound settings and no more need for Virtual Audion cables. Great work. is there a limit to the number of applications?


New Member
I got NDI working using this version: https://github.com/kilinbox/obs-ndi/releases/tag/4.9.1 though I used the libndi.dylib from the SDK rather than from the tools. (symlink from the actual file to /usr/local/lib/libndi.4.dylib where the plugin expects it).
MacOS refuses to open it at first as it's not signed, so you have to go into the Security & Privacy preference pane and authorize it from there (after the failure to open), then restart OBS.
have you tried OBS Ninja & Electron Capture, so much better than NDI simply capturing audi from browser sources.


New Member

Sauf erreur de ma part, je constate sur obs en faisant ALT TAB avec capture application, que mon écran est noir sur obs + ( streaming ) quand je change d'application ou de fenêtre malgré qu'elle soit encore ouverte mais plus au premier plan.

Est-ce normal ? Dois-je faire une capture de fenêtre pour éviter cela ?



Unless I'm mistaken, I see on obs by doing ALT TAB with application capture, that my screen is black on obs + ( streaming ) when I change applications despite it still being open but no longer in the foreground.

Is this normal? Should I take a window capture to avoid this?


I have last version OBS : 28.0.0.RC2 Native MAC M1




hevc_nvenc is labeled incorrectly on Nvidia card


The Video Capture Device source on Windows will now save/remember settings changed in the "Configure" dialog

- I love you, and I miss you. I hope you get better and come back soon


My first live stream will be on this saturday with the new OBS 28, so I tried to update a couple of things, including lower thirds. Every time I try to "ungroup" one of my lower third group the OBS just frozen ("OBS does not response). Does not crash, just frozen, so I only have log files, no crash reports.
Any tips?


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A quick follow up:
The ungroup only works, if the LOCK icon is in unlocked position and if the group is in open position.


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Unless I'm mistaken, I see on obs by doing ALT TAB with application capture, that my screen is black on obs + ( streaming ) when I change applications despite it still being open but no longer in the foreground.

Is this normal? Should I take a window capture to avoid this?

I have last version OBS : 28.0.0.RC2 Native MAC M1
Please try in OBS Studio 28.0.1 or the latest 28.0.x available. If the issue still occurs, please check our open GitHub Issues for macOS opened after August 1, 2022 to see if there is an appropriate GitHub Issue already open to track this. If an appropriate GitHub Issue does not exist, consider opening one with detailed reproduction steps.

hevc_nvenc is labeled incorrectly on Nvidia card
As far as I know, we pull this list from FFmpeg. The first part of the item is the codec name, the second part in parentheses is the codec's base name. In either case, this does not appear to be an issue new to OBS Studio 28, as it also appears in OBS Studio 27.2.4.


A quick follow up:
The ungroup only works, if the LOCK icon is in unlocked position and if the group is in open position.
I am so far unable to reproduce this on Windows. Please try reproducing this in OBS without any third party plugins.

My webcam settings still do not save is there a fix for this issue?
As stated in the patch notes and earlier in this thread, we had to revert that feature because it was breaking settings for non-webcam devices, such as capture cards. We will revisit it in a future release.


"As stated in the patch notes and earlier in this thread, we had to revert that feature because it was breaking settings for non-webcam devices, such as capture cards. We will revisit it in a future release."

A future release of 28 or are we talking 29, 30?
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