OBS Studio 28.0 Release Candidate

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I am not sure if compiling OBS Studio myself I should report bugs. That said I compiled it on Fedora 36 Workstation:
wget https://cdn-fastly.obsproject.com/downloads/cef_binary_4638_linux64.tar.bz2
tar -xjf ./cef_binary_4638_linux64.tar.bz2
git clone --recursive https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio.git
cd obs-studio
mkdir build && cd build
make -j$(nproc) && make install

As I will probably test the non-portable compilation later I also already did this:
sudo tee /etc/ld.so.conf.d/local.conf <<OBSCOMPILE
sudo ldconfig
Didn't test much yet. Two things from what I tried are not working correctly for me: the locking of docks and using webcams.
  • Locking the docks/layout, lock the ability to resize them and their placement, but not their sizes;
  • Webcam preview is not working when adding the device. Intermittently it won't work on opening OBS Studio, having to close and open again. And sometimes if I change scenes it stops working. Trying to use both the integrated and the USB webcam doesn't work. Few of these problems I was/am having on 27.2.x, but As I use the flatpak version, I assumed could be related. But now compiling v28 I am seeing it behaves the same but more frequently.


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    Captura de tela de 2022-08-07 10-20-22.png
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    Captura de tela de 2022-08-07 10-39-56.png
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Any support for M1 HEVC encoding?
Where are the SRT/RIST output settings?

Is SRT V1.5? Is bonding supported?
M1 HEVC is not currently supported.
SRT/RIST output is done by using a Custom Streaming Server by selecting "Custom..." in Settings -> Stream -> Service.
We are using SRT 1.5.0. We do not currently support bonding.

Didn't test much yet. Two things from what I tried are not working correctly for me: the locking of docks and using webcams.
  • Locking the docks/layout, lock the ability to resize them and their placement, but not their sizes;
  • Webcam preview is not working when adding the device. Intermittently it won't work on opening OBS Studio, having to close and open again. And sometimes if I change scenes it stops working. Trying to use both the integrated and the USB webcam doesn't work. Few of these problems I was/am having on 27.2.x, but As I use the flatpak version, I assumed could be related. But now compiling v28 I am seeing it behaves the same but more frequently.
The first item is not new to the beta. Locking simply prevents the user from moving/closing docks around to prevent accidental rearrangements of the UI.

I am, unfortunately, not very familiar with webcam issues on Linux. I'd recommend seeking assistance in the Linux Support subsection of OBS Studio Support section of the forum or in the #linux-support channel on our Discord server. If you do seek assistance there, please provide specific details about the issue, including steps to reproduce, and an OBS log of the session where the issue occurred.


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Does this bring support to capturing audio on macOS M1 laptops?
By quickly looking at the ScreenCaptureKit docs, it seems like it supports capturing audio.

Link to capturing audio in docs
Yes. From our release notes:
  • Added support for the ScreenCaptureKit Framework on macOS 12.5+, including support for direct audio capture without requiring third-party solutions on macOS 13+ [Developer-Ecosystem-Engineering/PatTheMav/gxalpha]
Though, it only requires macOS 13. It does not require Apple Silicon.


hello guys
thnx for the amazing works
these plugins are not supported for me . i use the NDI and need to be on the beta plz
thank you
View attachment 85272
I got NDI working using this version: https://github.com/kilinbox/obs-ndi/releases/tag/4.9.1 though I used the libndi.dylib from the SDK rather than from the tools. (symlink from the actual file to /usr/local/lib/libndi.4.dylib where the plugin expects it).
MacOS refuses to open it at first as it's not signed, so you have to go into the Security & Privacy preference pane and authorize it from there (after the failure to open), then restart OBS.


New Member
M1 HEVC is not currently supported.
SRT/RIST output is done by using a Custom Streaming Server by selecting "Custom..." in Settings -> Stream -> Service.
We are using SRT 1.5.0. We do not currently support bonding.

The first item is not new to the beta. Locking simply prevents the user from moving/closing docks around to prevent accidental rearrangements of the UI.

I am, unfortunately, not very familiar with webcam issues on Linux. I'd recommend seeking assistance in the Linux Support subsection of OBS Studio Support section of the forum or in the #linux-support channel on our Discord server. If you do seek assistance there, please provide specific details about the issue, including steps to reproduce, and an OBS log of the session where the issue occurred.
The Webcam I'll try Discord. For the locking feature, I think I gave not enough information: When I lock the docks, they're not keeping the changes I made, so after closing and opening OBS again their sizes reset.


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The Webcam I'll try Discord. For the locking feature, I think I gave not enough information: When I lock the docks, they're not keeping the changes I made, so after closing and opening OBS again their sizes reset.
Dock sizes changing between OBS sessions is a known issue from before the OBS Studio 28 Beta 1 release. We're aware that it happens, though as I understand it, we aren't aware of exactly why it happens.


New Member
Yes. From our release notes:

Though, it only requires macOS 13. It does not require Apple Silicon.
I am on an M1 device. Does this mean OBS will record audio once I upgrade to macOS 13? I am assuming M1 is fully supported in this version, right?


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I am on an M1 device. Does this mean OBS will record audio once I upgrade to macOS 13? I am assuming M1 is fully supported in this version, right?
Yes. The new ScreenCaptureKit-based capture sources allow you to capture audio from the sources that you select in macOS 13. Regarding M1 support, yes, OBS Studio 28 will be the first release to have a native Apple Silicon (M1/M2/ARM/ARM64) version available. From the release notes for OBS Studio 28.0 Beta 1:

28.0: Native Apple Silicon Support​

With OBS 28, OBS now has native builds for Apple Silicon systems. This means that OBS will run more optimally and without x86 emulation. Unfortunately, an important caveat for this is that many third-party plugins may not yet be readily available for Apple users running native Apple Silicon builds. Users can still use x86 builds of OBS if they desire a wider selection of third-party plugins that are not yet available natively for Apple Silicon.


New Member
So I enrolled my m1 2020 Air onto the Ventura 13.2 beta just to be able to test out the CBR and ScreenCaptureKit frameworks.

I can't have a stable recording or stream because of this
I click add sources, Video Capture Device as my elgato HD60x, uncheck presets and enter my following

Resolution 1920x1080
Frame Rate [Simple Fps Values] then [120]
Input/Color/Range ce [Auto]

My fps completely drops by 30%
Screenshot 2022-08-07 at 6.43.20 PM.png

Screenshot 2022-08-07 at 6.43.09 PM.png

Both the HD60X and Samsung 550A Display(s) are set to 120 in the Display under System Preferences. And OBS uses [Integer] for fps value set to [120] and not fractional nor common. Why does my FPS SUCK? while my CPU is sitting so coolie less than >10%


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So I enrolled my m1 2020 Air onto the Ventura 13.2 beta just to be able to test out the CBR and ScreenCaptureKit frameworks.

I can't have a stable recording or stream because of this
I click add sources, Video Capture Device as my elgato HD60x, uncheck presets and enter my following

Resolution 1920x1080
Frame Rate [Simple Fps Values] then [120]
Input/Color/Range ce [Auto]

My fps completely drops by 30%

Both the HD60X and Samsung 550A Display(s) are set to 120 in the Display under System Preferences. And OBS uses [Integer] for fps value set to [120] and not fractional nor common. Why does my FPS SUCK? while my CPU is sitting so coolie less than >10%
Without a log file, it's difficult to make any kind of judgment on this. However, OBS uses more than just your CPU, so CPU activity is not a reliable indicator of why FPS drops. It's possible that 120 FPS with the devices and settings you're trying to use may be too much for a MacBook Air, even an M1 using the OBS Studio 28 beta release.

Please provide a log file from an OBS session where this issue occurs. Ideally, you would reproduce this behavior, then close and reopen OBS, then upload the previous log file. If you are unsure how to do this, I recommend seeking assistance on our Discord server.


New Member
Without a log file, it's difficult to make any kind of judgment on this. However, OBS uses more than just your CPU, so CPU activity is not a reliable indicator of why FPS drops. It's possible that 120 FPS with the devices and settings you're trying to use may be too much for a MacBook Air, even an M1 using the OBS Studio 28 beta release.

Please provide a log file from an OBS session where this issue occurs. Ideally, you would reproduce this behavior, then close and reopen OBS, then upload the previous log file. If you are unsure how to do this, I recommend seeking assistance on our Discord server.
I already trashed the HD and went back down to Monterey 12.5 so I can't log you back in any way.

But if official 28.0 drops ill definitely give it another try and promise to make a GitHub account to directly have a build applied alongside a Pull Request

Idk Ryto, my settings were pretty much bare-bones as is. I went for the sub average options for canvas, bitrates, and encoder proc's. OBS on Ventura just sucks FPS down by 1/3 of what its set to. It could be 60 fps from a 60hz monitor and you'd see it drop to (41 or 48ish).

Can anyone clarify that the Apple VideoToolbox is so magical to allow OBS to finally use CBR, but cannot hold 120 frames through a mere capture card? Idk what's been improved about the Encoder listed in the release notes, that id have to check master sum and see what hex changes were dealt to the internal compile branch.

Im going to try 120 fps on Monterey now, thanks for listening forum. godspeed with 28.0 and please have a fun time with it as always.


New Member
I am using obs 28 beta past two days with MacBook Pro m1.web socket not working with touch portal.i don't know what I am missing.for u r reference I am attaching screen shots.i can't select scene on touch portal its plain paper like.


  • Screenshot 2022-08-08 at 11.16.56 AM.png
    Screenshot 2022-08-08 at 11.16.56 AM.png
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New Member
@RytoEX What about the problem with "Capture Video Device" will you solve this problem? Because this bug will be relevant on many capture cards.
Recently it started crashing when opening the "Video Capture Device". The capture card is AverMedia Live Gamer Portable 2 4K.
I guess it has something to do with the H264 "video format". Everything works on the "MJPEG" format. For only with it the program begins to crash.
Here's the video:


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@RytoEX What about the problem with "Capture Video Device" will you solve this problem? Because this bug will be relevant on many capture cards.
I don't personally own any capture devices. You may have better luck asking this question in the #beta-testing on our Discord server, which is more regularly monitored.

I am using obs 28 beta past two days with MacBook Pro m1.web socket not working with touch portal.i don't know what I am missing.for u r reference I am attaching screen shots.i can't select scene on touch portal its plain paper like.
You may need to re-link Touch Portal to OBS. I have asked for clarification on this from someone who knows more on this subject.


New Member
Hi! with the capture-specific application sound it seems that when recording it makes a buzzing sound. So I am unsure that it would make the same buzzing sound when streaming.
I might not have the exact same issue, but I have had a similar issue using the new built-in application audio capture source.

It would work very well for a while (tested this yesterday), but after 20-30 minutes or so the audio would screw up and get choppy / buzz'y.

Funnily enough, I encountered a similar issue with the community "win-capture-audio" plugin, but in some update early this year (I couldn't keep track) this generally stopped being an issue.

I actually have evidence of this occuring! Shortly around the 15minute mark the issue starts ramping up.

Link to the Twitch VOD

I'm very thankful that OBS might be getting an official application audio capture source, so let me know if it'd help if I send logs or anything else in particular.
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I might not have the exact same issue, but I have had a similar issue using the new built-in application audio capture source.

It would work very well for a while (tested this yesterday), but after 20-30 minutes or so the audio would screw up and get choppy / buzz'y.

Funnily enough, I encountered a similar issue with the community "win-capture-audio" plugin, but in some update early this year (I couldn't keep track) this generally stopped being an issue.

I actually have evidence of this occuring! Shortly around the 15minute mark the issue starts ramping up.

Link to the Twitch VOD

I'm very thankful that OBS might be getting an official application audio capture source, so let me know if it'd help if I send logs or anything else in particular.
We're aware that this issue could occur, but have no idea what causes it. If you can reproduce it reliably, could I get you to perform this troubleshooting process using the OBS Studio 28 Beta? You need to download the provided obs.wprp.zip file and extract it first before the bullet list of steps. Feel free to directly DM me, here or on Discord, for further follow-ups on this specific issue.


New Member
Hello, I've been testing the new FFMpeg/AMF encoder, I found some good configurations that I think may help others. My stream is downscaled to 900p from 1080p, bicubic. Average bitrate of 6500 bits peaks around 8000 bits for high movement. For those streaming at 1080p+ bitrate values may be higher, increase the maxqp up to 51 for more compression (it will hit quality too). If any admin is reading, I've noticed a bug with VBVBuffer, it cant go beyond 999 bit/s, any value above that and the encoder sends around 11000 bit/s, dont seen to be normal, since with the AMF old encoder the default value is 3000 bit/s(maybe a consequence of the b-frames?). Tha's all, I hope this configs and this report(?) be of help. If that's the wrong channel to send a bug report please direct me to the right one.

My ffmpeg options: MinQP=18 MaxQP=38 BFrames=true MaxConsecutiveBPictures=2 BPicturesPattern=1 BPicturesDeltaQP=4 ReferenceBPicturesDeltaQP=4 MinReferenceFrames=2 MaxReferenceFrames=4 VBVBufferSize=999


New Member
Hello, I've been testing the new FFMpeg/AMF encoder, I found some good configurations that I think may help others. My stream is downscaled to 900p from 1080p, bicubic. Average bitrate of 6500 bits peaks around 8000 bits for high movement. For those streaming at 1080p+ bitrate values may be higher, increase the maxqp up to 51 for more compression (it will hit quality too). If any admin is reading, I've noticed a bug with VBVBuffer, it cant go beyond 999 bit/s, any value above that and the encoder sends around 11000 bit/s, dont seen to be normal, since with the AMF old encoder the default value is 3000 bit/s(maybe a consequence of the b-frames?). Tha's all, I hope this configs and this report(?) be of help. If that's the wrong channel to send a bug report please direct me to the right one.

My ffmpeg options: MinQP=18 MaxQP=38 BFrames=true MaxConsecutiveBPictures=2 BPicturesPattern=1 BPicturesDeltaQP=4 ReferenceBPicturesDeltaQP=4 MinReferenceFrames=2 MaxReferenceFrames=4 VBVBufferSize=999
I don't think this is a very good idea. Fairly sure limiting maxQP means that the encoder will happily blow past any ratecontrol if it has to (not allowed to have a QP higher than 38). I would suggest removing that option at least.

As for vbvbufsize, I would remove it entirely, which will set it equal to the bitrate, which is what we recommend. There can be a small spike over the bitrate, but should be tight enough. Reminder that the vbvbuf is indeed in bits, not kilobits, so 1000 would be extremely low, and probably cause troubles.

There are some other confusing options in there, which I think you can safely remove as well, as they are either doign nothing, or setting the same as the default already is, like minqp, bframes=true. Dont think minref is doing anything either, as that is not a valid parameter afaik.

TLDR, remove MaxQP, and remove vbvbuffersize at least.
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