OBS Studio 24.0 Release Candidate

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Community Helper
We're gearing up for another major release of OBS Studio, which means it's time for another round of testing the release candidate! OBS Studio v24 brings some long-requested features:
  • The ability to pause and resume a recording (NOTE: If your Recording encoder is set to "same as stream", you will not be able to use this function while streaming)
  • Controllable browser source audio - Adjust volume, apply filters, and control monitoring
  • Custom browser panels - Open any web URL and attach it as a panel in the OBS interface (Under Tools > Docks)
  • Dynamic bitrate - OBS can detect if your network conditions degrade, and instead of dropping frames, you can tell OBS to automatically reduce your bitrate until network conditions improve (Under Settings > Advanced > Network)
  • Hardware decoding for media sources fixed - Use your GPU to reduce the processing load of video playback (NOTE: does not apply to WebM files with transparency, this is still being worked on)
Download and full patch notes for Release Candidate 5: https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/releases/tag/24.0.0-rc5

Please test out these features and give us your feedback (positive or negative) on this thread or in the #beta-testing channel on the Discord. Thanks!
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New Member
If you could link the Custom browser panels to Browser source audio. This would be amazing. You could link your set youtube or whatever music web program or Streamlabs Media Share and have full control over the audio balance into the stream
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Community Helper
That won't be available in this release, but we can see if it's at all possible to route browser panel audio into an OBS source at some point in the future.


New Member
Does Custom browser panels works for Websites that needs login? Like to show the TipeeeStream Dashboard? (And does it safes the login)


New Member
Forgive me. not sure where you want issues reported. "OBS has crashed!". The crash log ends at swresample-ndi-3.dll.
Unhandled exception: c0000005
Date/Time: 2019-08-20, 10:16:40
Fault address: 7FFB1E661551 (c:\program files (x86)\obs-studio\bin\64bit\obs.dll)
libobs version: 24.0.0-rc1 (64-bit)
Windows version: 10.0 build 18362 (revision: 267; 64-bit)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6820HQ CPU @ 2.70GHz


Community Helper
Does Custom browser panels works for Websites that needs login? Like to show the TipeeeStream Dashboard? (And does it safes the login)
Yes, you can log in to sites and it will remember that you are logged in.
Forgive me. not sure where you want issues reported. "OBS has crashed!". The crash log ends at swresample-ndi-3.dll.
Unhandled exception: c0000005
Date/Time: 2019-08-20, 10:16:40
Fault address: 7FFB1E661551 (c:\program files (x86)\obs-studio\bin\64bit\obs.dll)
libobs version: 24.0.0-rc1 (64-bit)
Windows version: 10.0 build 18362 (revision: 267; 64-bit)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6820HQ CPU @ 2.70GHz
This it the right place to post crashes! Can you upload the full crash log?


New Member
Im attempting to add two custom browser docks.
One is streamlabs recent events. The other is streamlabs cloudbot.
Because of the fact that streamlabs requires you to sign in every time it forces the dock to recent events no matter what.
Is there any way past this to force the page you want to load?


New Member
I used it now with Tipeeestream and yes - the page needs to login everytime with Twitch - but that's only 1 more mouse click - so no pain - better than having a second window somewhere - I like this feature :) maybe I will write my own activity feed sometimes that will fit my needs.

So would be nice, if you can pick a local URL


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Forum Moderator
It should have cookies, and should remember your login. I'll check to make sure cookies are working.


Forum Moderator
Community Helper
It should have cookies, and should remember your login. I'll check to make sure cookies are working.
Confirmed cookies are working. Tipeeestream and Streamlabs seem to discard cookies once you close OBS. Other services handle it without issues. You'll have to contact the respective companies to ask them about the issue.

Is there any way past this to force the page you want to load?
Currently, you would likely have to go into the View -> Docks menu, and slightly modify the name of the panel to fix this. I will see about adding an option to "Reset" a dock in the right click menu to the selected URL instead of the URL you've been redirected to.


New Member
Hey, between update v23.2.1 and v24.0.0 RC1 there is a visual difference in the way my transitions are being handled.

Just to explain I have made custom transitions at 1600x903 to be played on a 1920x1084 canvas. Reason is that I use the bottom pixels as a logic controller for stuff on a different OBS that looks at them bottom pixels to determin what should be showing and how much.

In v23.2.1 my bottom 4 pixels in my custom transition when displayed are Black -> Transparent. However in v24.0.0 They are now a slight green colour -> Transparant so now my other OBS is showing sources slightly transparent rather than not being there since green is now being displayed rather than black.

Youtube video showing the problem: https://youtu.be/iSsN6VTAk24

Will this be fixed in final version?


New Member
Every time I close OBS it has a crash and error message. This causes all added browser docks to be discarded on exit as well. I've removed all plugins and themes to try and fix it but nothing.


  • Crash 2019-08-21 23-22-46.txt
    109.4 KB · Views: 172


New Member
Just a quick question. Did you do anything specific with Chromium builds for the browser sources related to audio?

I'm using the latest test build and the browser sources I have that play sound are no longer playing sounds like they should. They're set up to connect to chat and look for commands, then load the audio and play them. Some sounds play. Some sounds don't. And since I can't debug what's going on, due to it working just fine in Chrome, I can't really figure out what is going on with the browser sources to prevent the audio from playing on command triggers.


Forum Moderator
Community Helper
Every time I close OBS it has a crash and error message. This causes all added browser docks to be discarded on exit as well. I've removed all plugins and themes to try and fix it but nothing.
That particular crash is caused by the Restream integration. It's a known issue on our side.

Just a quick question. Did you do anything specific with Chromium builds for the browser sources related to audio?

I'm using the latest test build and the browser sources I have that play sound are no longer playing sounds like they should. They're set up to connect to chat and look for commands, then load the audio and play them. Some sounds play. Some sounds don't. And since I can't debug what's going on, due to it working just fine in Chrome, I can't really figure out what is going on with the browser sources to prevent the audio from playing on command triggers.
Changes were made on our side to be able to manage audio from browser sources. CEF can generate multiple audio streams, and the RC only handles one, which is why you're having issues. Jim pushed a fix to the OBS codebase an hour ago, which should solve the issue (and it did in my testing). Thank you for confirming it's an issue in the wild, as we were only able to reproduce it with SL alerts.
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