OBS Studio 23.0 Release Candidate

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New Member
re installed windows 10 on my pc, fully updated i believe because windows update says i'm up to date.

i7 7700k
preset veryfast
bitrate 8000
keyfram 2
profile i either used high or main
xbox connect to internal elgato hd60 pro

Stream looks worse than before. I posted a log. can someone see if something is wrong please. I will try nvenc new tonight becuase I have a 2080ti.

I also stream and record at the same time.

Last question I added the capture source and now it show up GAME CAPTURE HD60 PRO and ELGATO GAME CAPTURE. Which one should I choose. They both show my xbox.

Thanks for any help.

oh forgot maybe you guys know this I reinstalled windows. I have the asus strix z270e motherboard. I don't know If i messed up here but I installed the chipset driver,audio driver,lan driver, from the product page on asus. should I have done that or left it alone because the drivers said it was from 2017. dont know if windows update put in updated drivers when I did the clean install
Have you tried streaming from the PC with the same settings to eliminate the capture card as a problem? Also is hard to help out without example video to look at, quality is subjective.


Have you tried streaming from the PC with the same settings to eliminate the capture card as a problem? Also is hard to help out without example video to look at, quality is subjective.

No I haven't streamed a PC game yet. Here is last nights stream. https://youtu.be/H4eC0fh09x0
But for some reason its not looking as bad as when I reviewed it yesterday when my stream was over or when I was live. It happens when I run around. it got so bad that you couldn't make out the names of my last subs and my face was unrecognizable the whole screen was just a blur. my friend has the same i7 7700k we use the same settings and I was watching his stream live it looked 10 times better. my upload isn't a problem it averages around 900 to 950 mbps.

I don't know what to do....... twitch and mixer looks better. I use restream, but so does my friend. it's just so frustrating.
Would this mean I could add a second mic that records the room noise, like pc or very close to the keyboard and get rid of that noise on my mic audio?

Well, that's using some subtraction to remove or filter the sine waves around you. I believe this feature is needed because some equipment like mics or preamps causes sound to output differently. If recording in a live environment, some snares might sound off or the certain vowels or words are not as clear with a microphone, thus they use reverse the positive and negative in the sine wave

I'm not truly sure to what extent this is needed for as I'm still doing more reading about, so I would say build a noise filter and try it out.
Hey there, I had several problems and crashes with the RC.
The crash happend mostly when I was streaming and started the recording.
Also when I started recording and it worked the OBS fps went down to 20-40fps and a warning came that encoding is overloadet.
I could only record or only stream without the overloaded message.

recording is new NVENC and streaming is x264

I've attached the crash logs and logs. Hope it helps. Looking forward for the new version


  • Crash 2019-02-11 21-09-01.txt
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  • Crash 2019-02-11 21-12-08.txt
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  • Crash 2019-02-11 21-22-24.txt
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  • Crash 2019-02-11 21-29-44.txt
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  • 2019-02-11 21-11-08.txt
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  • 2019-02-11 21-10-26.txt
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  • 2019-02-11 21-10-12.txt
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  • 2019-02-11 21-09-13.txt
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  • 2019-02-11 20-46-05.txt
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  • 2019-02-11 21-13-38.txt
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So I noticed with the current NVENC(and maybe previously as well) is at times it struggles with lots of fast light colors, and starts to slow down/stutter compared to dark. Im using an RTX 2080, set to Max Quality and the 2 options checked. In the video at this point, you can see how its clearly not a smooth 60FPS video, and it stays like this for some time. Unfortunately the OBS preview doesnt give a good indication of what youll see on stream, cuz Ive seen it be choppy in the preview, but a smooth 60FPS on stream, and vice versa. Earlier in the video it was as smooth as can be. Then later its smooth again around here, and then back to being choppy again at this point.

My GPU at MOST hit 80% usage on the graphics side of things for the game, and only hit that high because of shaders I added. As for the video encoding side, it was hanging around 20% usage the entire time and only using 1.5GB of VRAM for the encoding. Now its not a HUGE deal cuz the quality overall looks as good as my CPU was putting out at the Fast Preset while freeing up all that CPU usage, but at times it seems to have issues keeping the video at 60FPS. Now I dont know if that has something to do with streaming at 8000kbps, but with all the testing Ive done, doing that or 6k makes no difference in terms of smoothness. But I noticed this would happen in some of my local recordings as well where Id do nothing but spin the camera to test the quality. Some of the tests would be a smooth 60FPS, while others in the same exact location in game it would stutter and be sort of choppy unless I either stopped the recording and retried it, or would star the recording and not doing anything for the first 20 seconds or so. Definitely seems to be some kind of encoding issue thought where frames are getting skipped for whatever reason.
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New Member
Ok so, i did the test tonight. I think New Nvenc Turing Codec is more like faster o veryfast quality in high motion scene. I tried Metro 2033 Redux at 1080p@60fps with Max Quality Preset on Nvenc and 8000Kbps of bitrate, Psycho Visual Tuning and Look-ahead both enabled. VS. 1080p@60fps Fast Preset on x264 and 8000Kbps bitrate. I post here 2 clips in the point where the difference is really noticeable.

Look while i'm using the fire and doing high motion movements. x264 is way better than New Nvenc and really less blockyness.

x264 Fast Preset

Here i was with lighter and fire, and you can notice more blockyness.

New Nvenc Max Quality Preset

What do you think about that?
Yeah screenshot you can see a lot of pixels here LOL, i wonder can you go through the web with fast x 264? I think that if you will stream on NVENC a game like Apex Legends you will get pixelated image and your webcam as well which sucks a lot. So either NVIDIA lied and its not even close to x264 or NVENC in OBS Beta is not there yet, i think first one 90% just a marketing ploy.

J of JAX

New Member
I have one question... does having more than one GPU help with the encoding at all? i mean 2 encoders could help if they are doing half the load? But I can also see technical problems with this... just want to know if it would be at all possible.


I have one question... does having more than one GPU help with the encoding at all? i mean 2 encoders could help if they are doing half the load? But I can also see technical problems with this... just want to know if it would be at all possible.

Not in the slightest. The amount of GPU youll use when encoding, especially with RTX is so minimal that you shouldnt even be hitting 50% when streaming. You gotta remember that GPU have its own separate piece of it that is ONLY used to video encoding and wont affect your gaming experience in any way. If anything 2 GPUs would cause more problems.


New Member

I7 7700k 4.8ghz
GTX 1080 TI
16GB ram

I just recently started using NVENC because streaming certain games with x264 veryfast or faster is too much strain on my CPU. NVENC is ok, but with high motions it gets pixelated really badly. The games I stream are Anthem, Division, Apex Legends, and Titanfall 2 (and others).

-Apex legends is full of action and high motion with fast moving enemies and yourself. I could stream this with Veryfast or faster and have no real problems other than the game crashing every 30-45 minutes because of high CPU usage. Streaming this game on Old NVENC was a NO-GO! SUPER pixelated, although my in game FPS was 144+ and stream FPS was 60, the quality would tank if i was running, looting, and trying to maneuver.

-NEW NVENC with Apex was no better!

with NVENC I stream at 6000bitrate, 1280x720, keyframes 2, Quality preset, High profile, B-frames 2, 60 fps, GPU 0. For the New NVENC I changed Quality to Max and left it at quality to see if I would get any change, they both are bad. I enabled Look ahead and psycho visual tuning to see a change and nothing, with them or or off.

I know this is suppose to work with GTX 10XX series, lee alone a 1080ti! But Im not seeing any real improvements.

I can say this...! When I streamed Titanfall 2 On these settings * 6000bitrate, 1280x720, keyframes 2, Quality preset, High profile, B-frames 2, 60 fps, GPU 0 * with new NVENC, The stream looked amazing, however, there was skips here and there on stream because my GPU was at 99% *i assume*. But when it did not skip it the quality of the stream was really nice! no pixels, sharp images and geometry as if I were streaming at medium x264! Also, the fact that Respawn games (Apex, Titanfall, and Titanfall 2) does not have an FPS cap slider in game that works (I've "capped" my FPS in theses games to 80 but still get 144+ fps) might be why NVENC isnt working that great on them.

These were the only 2 games I tested though, again, quality on Titanlfall 2 was amazing, but there was lag in stream often. also my "encoder is being overloaded" showed up a few times, but I have 1000 up/ 1000 down internet on a wired connection, so, yeah. Im guessing the games themselves are wanting to use the GPU to its fullest while NVENC is trying to as well to produce a clear image:

Twitch clip of Titanfall 2, NVENC new, 6000bitrate, 1280x720, keyframes 2, Quality preset, High profile, B-frames 2, 60 fps, GPU 0.


Dr Dash

New Member
We're getting close to a release for OBS Studio 23.0. Thanks so much for your feedback so far! It has proved very valuable.

Here is the release candidate for 23.0. This is your last chance to test things out and give feedback on the release before it goes live. The plan is to try to get a full release out in a week or so, depending on how the release candidate performs.

Patch notes and download links: https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/releases/tag/23.0.0-rc1

As always, please give feedback on everything you can! You can also leave feedback in the #beta-testing channel on the Discord.

Known issues:
  • The service integration changes currently do not work on Mac or Linux.
    • For Linux, this is because we currently do not have a Linux-compatible version of the obs-browser source. We are aware of other browser source implementations that work on Linux, but we will need to fix the official obs-browser build with Linux before we can add the browser panels that perform the OAuth authorization and show stream chat. This is something we plan on addressing soon, but not in time for 23.0.
    • For Mac, unfortunately there are much more fundamental issues with rendering browser panels in Qt. To make a long story short, we encountered significant crashing issues trying to get browser panels working of Mac, and determined that fixing the issue could end up taking significant time to debug and fix, as the issue may lie in Qt itself. Thus, we're not certain at this time when we will be able to bring the service integration changes to Mac.
  • There's an occasional issue where the outline of hovered sources with the new source outline code won't disappear properly when exiting the preview. This should be resolve before release.
Hey guys, i think this update broke the functionality of the obs-websocket. Maybe im just bumb but it works fine in 22.
Twitch Feedback Without Service Integration

I used this today on my dedicated streaming PC (Windows 10 build 17763.292) using two GTX 760's (SLi disabled) with a bitrate of 4800 and keyframe of 1 at 1280x720, 60 FPS Integer (60000/1000), Quality preset, Psycho Visual Tuning dnabled, Look Ahead disabled. I use VoiceMeeter Potato for the audio.

I use different VSync settings for this PC and my gaming rig:

Triple Buffering = Off
Vertical Sync = 0x17777777
Vertical Sync Smooth AFR Behavior = On or 0x00000001
Vertical Sync Tear Control = 0x96861079

Feedback: I made a clip of Overwatch during a live recording since it is a very high and intense game at times with plenty of visuals. The results were pretty nice as I didn't experience any frame loss. Some of this frame loss was due to VSync's normal behavior. This test was not done with the service integration. The Twitch player held a constant 60 fps over the NetGear A7000 wireless. I think the quality was very nice when there was a lot of high speed motion as well as being able to process my custom Look Up Table. I didn't experience any crashing or weird behavior from the RC. I didn't have strange audio loss from OBS. From the current build, OBS would just lose the microphone's audio and I have to restart VoiceMeeter to regain the audio to the input.



New Member
This is not compatible with OBS.Live. DO NOT update OBS.Live when prompted. My OBS will not open without crashing now!


  • Crash 2019-02-11 20-23-49.txt
    38.1 KB · Views: 51


New Member
small issues
・Warning text color is white.
Video Warning Color.png

1. "Use authentication" is missing. Settings -> Stream (Custom...)
2. Also, the box does not gray out even when output is started. (State in which editing is possible)
*Problems occur with all service.

・Simple Output mode Default encoder (When NVENC can be used)
For users who updated from 22.0.2, the simple output encoder will be x264 even if you create a new profile.
A new user from 23.0 has been changed to NVENC.
I feel that "Pre23Defaults=true" in global.ini is involved.
When I found this problem, I also found another problem. Since it is not a malfunction that occurred at 23.0, it is posted to mantis. ( https://obsproject.com/mantis/view.php?id=1356 )
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Yeah screenshot you can see a lot of pixels here LOL, i wonder can you go through the web with fast x 264? I think that if you will stream on NVENC a game like Apex Legends you will get pixelated image and your webcam as well which sucks a lot. So either NVIDIA lied and its not even close to x264 or NVENC in OBS Beta is not there yet, i think first one 90% just a marketing ploy.
New Nvenc is on Turing card, you should have improved quality even with actual OBS Stable and OLD Nvenc version. The new OBS is only for minor performance impact on the GPU, not for quality. I think Nvidia lied, that's all.

Here's some Apex with New Nvenc (Max Quality Preset, 6000Kbps)

New Nvenc, Max Quality, 6000Kbps

And another spot with flames and web, but in Faster Preset.

x264 Faster Preset, 8000Kbps

This one can be similar the Nvenc Turing Max Quality Preset i think.
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New Member
I’ve heard that using the rescale option breaks the new NVENC performance gains and makes it fall back to the previous method of encoding.

Can anyone confirm this?


New Member
  • Encoder Preset: Max Quality. If you are streaming 4K resolution on an RTX 20-Series, you will want to reduce this to Quality, as the RTX cards already run image optimizations that previous generations do not.

FYI For anyone running a RTX card @ 4k & maybe some ultrawide *3440x1440 gamers as this is a demanding resolution as well. see if this helps if your lagging --- also a side questions to the admins is what type of image optimizations do we RTX owners have over previous gen that seems to be automatically on that we are being told to drop encoder setting? I remember reading a response on twitter when the guide was posted when someone asked the same question - in response they said max quality has 2 pass enabled - and that was the only difference is this true? and if so does that mean technically if 2 pass is automatically running regardless of preset if we choose max quality does it "double up" on this 2 pass method that it may overkill causing performance loss?


New Member
I’ve heard that using the rescale option breaks the new NVENC performance gains and makes it fall back to the previous method of encoding.

Can anyone confirm this?

which of the 2? - rescale output (under output) or output rescale ( under video ) - btw I don't know figured i'd ask since there is 2 rescale options

I7 7700k 4.8ghz
GTX 1080 TI
16GB ram

I just recently started using NVENC because streaming certain games with x264 veryfast or faster is too much strain on my CPU. NVENC is ok, but with high motions it gets pixelated really badly. The games I stream are Anthem, Division, Apex Legends, and Titanfall 2 (and others).

-Apex legends is full of action and high motion with fast moving enemies and yourself. I could stream this with Veryfast or faster and have no real problems other than the game crashing every 30-45 minutes because of high CPU usage. Streaming this game on Old NVENC was a NO-GO! SUPER pixelated, although my in game FPS was 144+ and stream FPS was 60, the quality would tank if i was running, looting, and trying to maneuver.

-NEW NVENC with Apex was no better!

with NVENC I stream at 6000bitrate, 1280x720, keyframes 2, Quality preset, High profile, B-frames 2, 60 fps, GPU 0. For the New NVENC I changed Quality to Max and left it at quality to see if I would get any change, they both are bad. I enabled Look ahead and psycho visual tuning to see a change and nothing, with them or or off.

I know this is suppose to work with GTX 10XX series, lee alone a 1080ti! But Im not seeing any real improvements.

I can say this...! When I streamed Titanfall 2 On these settings * 6000bitrate, 1280x720, keyframes 2, Quality preset, High profile, B-frames 2, 60 fps, GPU 0 * with new NVENC, The stream looked amazing, however, there was skips here and there on stream because my GPU was at 99% *i assume*. But when it did not skip it the quality of the stream was really nice! no pixels, sharp images and geometry as if I were streaming at medium x264! Also, the fact that Respawn games (Apex, Titanfall, and Titanfall 2) does not have an FPS cap slider in game that works (I've "capped" my FPS in theses games to 80 but still get 144+ fps) might be why NVENC isnt working that great on them.

These were the only 2 games I tested though, again, quality on Titanlfall 2 was amazing, but there was lag in stream often. also my "encoder is being overloaded" showed up a few times, but I have 1000 up/ 1000 down internet on a wired connection, so, yeah. Im guessing the games themselves are wanting to use the GPU to its fullest while NVENC is trying to as well to produce a clear image:

Twitch clip of Titanfall 2, NVENC new, 6000bitrate, 1280x720, keyframes 2, Quality preset, High profile, B-frames 2, 60 fps, GPU 0.


I always had issues with playing heavy processing games on the same PC with the Game Capture for some reason as it used more CPU to capture. When I used it on the same PC, here is what I changed:

-With that amount of bandwidth being used (the network services use the CPU too), I would add memory to at least 24 GB of RAM (suggestion).
-The Game Mode may interfere, though I haven't found that to be the actual case yet; this can be turned off along with the DVR and recording.
-Make sure you add the OBS folder and your games to your Windows Defender Antivirus Exclusions.
-Check your paging file, because the requirements have changed as of October 2018 for Windows 10 (minimum = RAM / 8, maximum = RAM x 3 or 4 GB, whichever is larger). By default, I'll bet it's set to 4 GB (like the old Windows XP requirements). Your maximum should be 48 GB of memory. You can use the same disk, but I recommend moving it to a second disk.
-Twitch always recommend 2 keyframes, but it's actually taking a lot of resources over the network to send 2 frames of every single start and ending point of the picture. I recommend using 1 keyframe (like Mixer) if going live and 2 if recording locally.
-Try using a Look Up Table. There are errors in recording and it happens per game, per motion, per scene. Sometimes, it's due to the colors. What you end up seeing is a lot of blocks at a high motion. Most people will increase the bitrate to fix it, but a Look Up Table can help to fix the colors and errors in the picture. Filmmakers use these all the time.


New Member
Question regarding this new build of OBS.

I do love finally having modules like chat etc without having to use streamelements, but does this have support for your BTTV & FFZ emotes/settings? I run custom inline mod actions for FFZ in my chrome browser. Will these settings transfer over? Would love to see this being built in!
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