NVENC Performance Improvements (Release Candidate)

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No no, I was not testing beta build at 4k60. I was saying that I have no problem streaming at 4k60 using current (22.0.2) build. I have not tested beta on 4k. Only 1080p60



I've attached the log. Now I have a i7 7700k and an 2080ti. My Xbox is connected to my elgato hd60 pro Internal card.

When I use the nvenc new my stream gets blurrier than when I was using x264. same bit rate 8,000.
I'm also recording at the same time using nvenc new same settings but with bitrate at 40,000. My upload speed to around 950 mbps.

Hope you can find an isssue. This was last nights stream on Black Ops 4. Every time I ran or moved it got blurry and also can't even make out my face. It got like that on the i7 7700k but not as bad

Just Bumping this up, Any takers. Thanks in advance


  • 2019-01-24 20-15-38.txt
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Active Member
Question: Would this new beta work fine with dual gpu if I were to save up and buy a 2060 just for encoding?
Getting a second GPU just for encoding is completely not necessary, the encoding does not affect 3D rendering. And if you don't have a cpu with enough pci-e lanes, you will also be gimping yourself as both gpus will run at 8x instead of 16x.


New Member
Getting a second GPU just for encoding is completely not necessary, the encoding does not affect 3D rendering. And if you don't have a cpu with enough pci-e lanes, you will also be gimping yourself as both gpus will run at 8x instead of 16x.
I only have a 1070 at the moment, so I'm unable to take advantage of the rtx improvements.


Have been testing this build since last week.. I gotta say.. wow. Running on 9000kbit/s on Mixer (max is 10mbit/s, I have transcoding since partner). It's almost flawless with max settings. I have a 2070.

Here is a clip: https://mixer.com/KhadHD?clip=jY5yAHaheEqgQWgzBurUiQ
Really cool! Very high quality! Have you enabled Look-ahead option or not? There are some bitrate limitations for non partnered streamers on mixer? Thanks.


New Member
Really cool! Very high quality! Have you enabled Look-ahead option or not? There are some bitrate limitations for non partnered streamers on mixer? Thanks.
Look ahead enabled. Bitrate cap is 10mbit for everyone. If you get Mixer pro you will get transcoding for 480p


Really cool! Very high quality! Have you enabled Look-ahead option or not? There are some bitrate limitations for non partnered streamers on mixer? Thanks.
Not everything is as rosy as it seems. If you download the video at https://clips-content.mixer.com/vods/6c4956e4-179f-40ba-b78a-8f6ac7278f8a/0004723.ts and see the frame-by-frame comparison through a regular video player, you can see: There are repetitions of frames, a picture in some places crumbles, artifacts are encountered, as well as frame breaks.


I can't really understand what Look-ahead should do, so i can't decide if use it or not ahaha
Look-ahead improves the video encoder’s rate control accuracy by enabling the encoder to buffer the specified number of frames, estimate their complexity and allocate the bits appropriately among these frames proportional to their complexity.

This thing is only suitable for VBR, and you need another function rc_lookahead, which up to 32 frames can look into the future to distribute the bitrate depending on the dynamics of what is happening in the frame. To include-they have included, but more detail to configure this feature was not given.


Not everything is as rosy as it seems. If you download the video at https://clips-content.mixer.com/vods/6c4956e4-179f-40ba-b78a-8f6ac7278f8a/0004723.ts and see the frame-by-frame comparison through a regular video player, you can see: There are repetitions of frames, a picture in some places crumbles, artifacts are encountered, as well as frame breaks.
Look-ahead improves the video encoder’s rate control accuracy by enabling the encoder to buffer the specified number of frames, estimate their complexity and allocate the bits appropriately among these frames proportional to their complexity.

This thing is only suitable for VBR, and you need another function rc_lookahead, which up to 32 frames can look into the future to distribute the bitrate depending on the dynamics of what is happening in the frame. To include-they have included, but more detail to configure this feature was not given.
And yet, Spatial AQ has a much better effect on picture quality than Temporal AQ (Psycho Visual Tuning).
Well, for me that quality was great, much better than twitch quality. And i can only use what is in OBS, the Look-ahead option in OBS is implementend in that way so, im trying to figure out if it can improve quality or not. Streaming is in CBR so this options is useless, is that correct? And for Psycho Visual Tuning its the same thing like Look-ahead, OBS have this option in this way so, is usefull or not? Im talking only about streaming, not recording.


Well, for me that quality was great, much better than twitch quality. And i can only use what is in OBS, the Look-ahead option in OBS is implementend in that way so, im trying to figure out if it can improve quality or not. Streaming is in CBR so this options is useless, is that correct? And for Psycho Visual Tuning its the same thing like Look-ahead, OBS have this option in this way so, is usefull or not? Im talking only about streaming, not recording.
Recording and streaming are one and the same. Both Psycho Visual Tuning and Look-ahead work best in VBR. You expose VBR, the bitrate is 5888 for Twitch, or if using a mixer as an example, the maximum bitrate is 9k, and the current one is at the level of 7168 kbps.

Is it possible for me to improve quality even more? What settings would I take for maximum quality 9mbit/s?
I would put a modified version of nvenc here, but I don’t know if it is possible. There much more can be done. And see my message above.


Recording and streaming are one and the same. Both Psycho Visual Tuning and Look-ahead work best in VBR. You expose VBR, the bitrate is 5888 for Twitch, or if using a mixer as an example, the maximum bitrate is 9k, and the current one is at the level of 7168 kbps.

I would put a modified version of nvenc here, but I don’t know if it is possible. There much more can be done. And see my message above.
Ehm, how can i expose VBR if OBS is with CBR option in my case? And Twitch said to use CBR and not VBR even if the bitrate isnt constant on the sites, the option in OBS is on CBR and not VBR.


New Member
Recording and streaming are one and the same. Both Psycho Visual Tuning and Look-ahead work best in VBR. You expose VBR, the bitrate is 5888 for Twitch, or if using a mixer as an example, the maximum bitrate is 9k, and the current one is at the level of 7168 kbps.

I would put a modified version of nvenc here, but I don’t know if it is possible. There much more can be done. And see my message above.
So if I understand it correctly if I wanna have a cap for 9000kbit/s on Mixer I need to set VBR to 7168kb?
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