Houston - MIDI Controller for OBS

Free Houston - MIDI Controller for OBS 5.0.2


New Member
thanks for the bug report, I'll see what I can do.

I hope you can answer a few questions for me:
-What pad are you using?
-Have you deinstalled LPFOBS before installing houston?

If you want to downgrade to LPFOBS for now check if there are still directories in $localappdata% called mrjumpingjack, houston or Launchpadforobs and delete them, then try to reinstall LPFOBS

Sorry for the inconvenience


Hey, sure:
-What pad are you using? - Launchpad Novation Mini
-Have you deinstalled LPFOBS before installing houston? - Hmm, not sure :(

I had to reinstall the whole PC as something went really wrong.

I'm now deciding wether to try again Houston or install Launchpad for OBS.
I have saved settings from Launchpad for OBS, but I gues these won't work with Houston, right?

Also - Should Houston recognize Launchpad Novation Mini as a pad or should I assign "hardware key" to each button manually? Just asking if this is desired function as this happened to me yesterday. I've seen the name (Launchpad Novation Mini) but I had to configure all the buttons layout manually.


New Member
mrjumpingjack updated Houston with a new update entry:

New features and bug fixes

Hey folks,

I changed a few things and fixed some bugs.

-Fixed a bug that prevented server endpoints from being deselected.
-Fixed some bugs regarding the webserver.
-Fixed a bug that prevented you from editing buttons with text when not connected to OBS
-Fixed some style problems

Added some features:
-You can now export your pad config files and share it with others
-There are now standard configs for LP mini mk1 and mk3
-Last config files will be loaded automaticly
-There is now a...

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
Morning Jumpingjack

Tried using Houston with my Launchpad Mini MK3, the buttons that auto matched did not work. its only did the 8x8 thing which made all the buttons mess up and not work properly. Do you have a file for button mapping of the MK3 MINI ?

Awaiting your answer!
Kind Regards,


New Member
Hey Bienk

The Mk3 has 2 modes "Live" and "Programmer" mode. The automatic button config is for the programmer mode only. To switch modes hold down the "Session" key for 2 secconds then press the orange button on the lower right to enter "programmer" mode. Then press "session" to leave to menu again.

Houston only supports the main 8x8 with the Mk3 mini because the top and right buttons are blocked by special functions.



New Member
probably missing something here, but I simply can't get the software to do anything.

Is there some setting that I'm just not seeing? Or do I have to connect it manually somehow...


New Member
hey i am not able to connect my launchpad to the app and map buttons i have a launchpad MK2 and the screen is showing thisScreenshot 2021-06-23 084653.png

ich hab mir dein Tool runtergeladen und Net Framework 5 installiert (WebSocket war schon installiert), alles mehrfach neu gestartet und dennoch bekomme ich in den Button Settings nichts angezeigt. Er verbindet zu OBS, bekomme auch die Benachrichtigung dafür, jedoch zeigt er mir nicht meine Szenen etc. an.
Ich nutze das Launchpad Mini. Wurde auch schon mit dem selben Gerät an einem anderen PC getestet und dort funktionierte alles einwandfrei. Eine Idee, warum es bei mir nicht funktioniert?


New Member
Hey. Super cooles Programm, vielen Dank dafür!
Aber, wenn ich die Szene wechsle, dann überschreibt er mir meine Zeit. Ich habe 750ms beim Übergang eingestellt und er wechselt die Szene aber immer mit 50ms.

Gibt es da 'ne Lösung?

Bis dann!


New Member
Your post has the "opensource" tag, but I can't find the source code anywhere. I looked on your GitHub and couldn't find it either.