Grouped Sources


New Member
Hey guys

I've recently been redoing my scenes for my streams and had this one thing that kept bugging me a bit and thought of a solution. But let's first describe the problem:

I regularly run into the inconvenience of having to create multiple identical scenes with just one portion of the overlay turned on or off. Often a "background image" and some "text" (probably donations). Sometimes it's more complex, anywho...
I realized that I would have a lot less nearly identical scenes, if I could just turn off a portion of the overlay (which often consists of multiple parts) with just one check-box.

This is where grouping could come in. By allowing us to group up a few sources under an alias, we'd be able to switch on/off an entire group within a scene, without having to switch to a near identical scene for a tiny change.

Now I don't know how difficult it would be to implement, but since the new version of OBS is coming along nicely, I thought I give it a shot and suggest it.

Keep up the great work!



New Member
I guess I must have posted this in the wrong forum?! I just now realize it's the "windows support" forum. Is there a Feature-request forum this could be moved to?!


Community Helper
This is fine, you tagged it as Feedback/Suggestion. This has been suggested many many times and may eventually be added.


New Member
Woud be amazing to add a way to make grouped sources, as like layers in photoshop (into a "group"). That would be very comfortable to people that use many sources in one scene. As on screenshot.


  • Screenshot_2.png
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Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Yes, I am aware of that need. Expect that in future versions (though probably not within the next 2-3 patches)


New Member
Oh thank you very much Jim for the reply, and for the notice of this new implementation.