Free Stream Notifications (Twitch, Paypal, Patreon)

Free Free Stream Notifications (Twitch, Paypal, Patreon)


I had no idea, can't believe I overlooked this bit. Time to have some fun then!

I have yet to update to the latest version, but is TTS fixed so the speed can be adjusted in multiples of 0.1? It was a bit annoying to have the speech too fast or too slow and no default 1 speed option.

Here is yet another suggestion for you, Twitch emote support. A lot of people like putting them in the donation messages and would like the gimmick of seeing them as actual emotes on screen.

Really loving the work you put into this app.
Yeah I added it some time ago, I think Bamse was requesting it.

Drop down lists - I added 1 there :)
But let me know if you would like to change the range there for those tts settings.

Emotes - I had somewhere link to the api for emotes, but if I remember correctly I only could find global and my own emotes, I couldn't figure out how to get all of them, I'll try to read up on it
Hmm, I had a go at adding other animations. The "use css animation" doesn't do anything to the extra animations I add. Instead, I have to enable "separate NT list" to play the new animation.

It plays the start and end animations, but after that the block reappears in the middle and stays there. The notification list also doesn't show up in the top right.

I made a point to use the exact same code for the animations to see what would happen, blockStart(End)Animation works fine, but blockStart(End)Animation2 fails.

Here's the modified css I used:
@-webkit-keyframes blockStartAnimation {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
    -webkit-transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1);
    transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1);
  50% {
    opacity: 1;

@-webkit-keyframes blockEndAnimation {
  0% {
    opacity: 1;
  50% {
    opacity: 0;
    -webkit-transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1);
    transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1);
  100% {
    opacity: 0;

@-webkit-keyframes blockStartAnimation2 {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
    -webkit-transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1);
    transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1);

  50% {
    opacity: 1;

@-webkit-keyframes blockEndAnimation2 {
  0% {
    opacity: 1;

  50% {
    opacity: 0;
    -webkit-transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1);
    transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1);
  100% {
    opacity: 0;

.block, .block_p, .block_s, .block_f {
  position: absolute;
  border: 2px solid rgba(0,70,125,0.95);
  line-height: 50px;
  font-family: Century Gothic, sans-serif; font-size: 50px;
  text-align: center;

  -webkit-animation: blockStartAnimation 0.5s ease,
             blockEndAnimation 0.75s 15s ease;

.block, .block_p, .block_f {
  -webkit-animation: blockStartAnimation 0.5s ease,
             blockEndAnimation 0.75s 15s ease;

.block_s {
  -webkit-animation: blockStartAnimation2 5s ease,
             blockEndAnimation2 3s 15s ease;
Also, I can't seem to position the block anywhere. It automatically centers vertically and horizontally. (Can't edit previous post)


Hmm, I had a go at adding other animations. The "use css animation" doesn't do anything to the extra animations I add. Instead, I have to enable "separate NT list" to play the new animation.
It does, if it is not enabled js animation is used instead, you need to have both selected.

Also, I can't seem to position the block anywhere. It automatically centers vertically and horizontally. (Can't edit previous post)
try using margin, I know it is not the best way but you can move it around, or you can encapsulate block in a wrapper change position parameter and have it relative to the wrapper and position the wrapper.

I will take your code and try it, let say I'll try it on Friday evening and will get back to you.


forum is derping out, you cant edit anything.

I went and checked and I had a bug there, css animation meant to work with single block, the division to other blocks was made after css implementation so I didn't probably test it correctly.

I made a fix for this and now you should be able to have different animations.
The animation elements are called blockStart(End)Animation( / _p / _s / _f )
Just change those + enable css animations in config + divide nt lists.
Oh yes and save new css by using Edit css button - I cant override this, just edit css from FSN.jar, copy paste the content and save it in config (I need to add a prompt informing that css changed and you should merge your changes)

FSN v 1.16 is out
I ran into another problem. Having separate nt list means I can't share subs and donations on the same list. The effect I'm going for here is different animations for the block while keeping a shared nt list for everything.


I ran into another problem. Having separate nt list means I can't share subs and donations on the same list. The effect I'm going for here is different animations for the block while keeping a shared nt list for everything.
Oh man that is completely different thing, an more work than I care to do :) right now
I will look into it


Thanks for considering it. Also, I'm not sure if you're aware but Twitch recently migrated their chat servers to AWS servers. I think it'll affect the resub check of the bot.
Actually I didn't, thx for the info - I will update bot this weekend, it should work as it was I just need to get new server dns names and pick one of them to connect to. I need to test it with some channel that is already moved the rest will connect as it was until it is all moved.
Actually I didn't, thx for the info - I will update bot this weekend, it should work as it was I just need to get new server dns names and pick one of them to connect to. I need to test it with some channel that is already moved the rest will connect as it was until it is all moved.
Awesome, I've only noticed because the channel I deploy this on just made the switch so resubs stopped working.


FSN v1.17

  • Fix for migration to new twitch chat servers
It should work as it used to, before bot starts it will ask twitch for list of servers and either use new global irc chat for aws cluster or it will use one of the old servers assigned to your account.


New Member
Hi Bob. Is it currently possible to have multiple follow sounds that like, randomly go off? Is that too much to ask for? Thanks again for everything. :)


Hi Bob. Is it currently possible to have multiple follow sounds that like, randomly go off? Is that too much to ask for? Thanks again for everything. :)
I think any sound input can be separated by ";" and you will get random sound, example:

Paulo Filipe

New Member
Hi Bob! Do you think it is possible to add junglepay SMS payment alerts on this? I am no programmer but they have a Java integration code. Maybe listening to the payment conclusion can make this possible?


I don't think they have java integration, but that does not really matter, they provide restful api or you can use similar to paypal way of setting up notification.

They also have their own widget system that you can integrate into your site -

You don't really need me you can follow instructions, create a very simple html(on your server) with the code generated by the junglepay and you will have a page with notifications. now if you just open that page in obs you are good to go.

Doing full integration will take time, I'm packed right now but send me private message with your email and I can contact you in a week, you can help me out researching it, but it looks relatively simple.


New Member
Hello . FSN v1_17 Twitch settings are not saved . http://localhost:8080/dashboard#prerequisites . I press save and keeps. I changed browsers and do not know what to do please help.


  • 2016-05-05_002402.png
    26.5 KB · Views: 32


Hello . FSN v1_17 Twitch settings are not saved . http://localhost:8080/dashboard#prerequisites . I press save and keeps. I changed browsers and do not know what to do please help.
View attachment 15501
Try checking the output of the mongo cmd window.
It is not saving because database is not working - if you cant see any errors in mongo cmd window go to mongo db directory (probably C:\data\db) and try to remove the lock file from data folder.
If that wont work close everything, remove the c:\data, launch mongo first, then FSN and check then


New Member
Yes, I understand the base does not work. What to do ? How to give permission for mongodb ? hotfix windows 7 established . My system windows 7 64-bit


As I said remove *.lock file from c:\data\db, if that wont work remove whole folder and run mongod then start.bat


New Member
Thx man ) I managed. Thanks to the video instructions. Thank you . Congrats on winning the competition owerwolf