Question / Help FPS drop on OBS while streaming - i9-9900K RTX 2070


Active Member
21:25:48.027: Output 'adv_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 602 (10.0%)

Rendering lag caused by GPU overload.

21:24:07.816: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] x264 param: threds=16 failed

Also looks like you have a misconfigured ffmpeg option.

21:23:45.671: YUV mode: 709/Full

You may wish to change the above to 709/Partial.

21:23:49.338: - source: 'Game Capture 2' (game_capture)
21:23:49.338: - filter: 'Color Correction' (color_filter)
21:23:49.338: - source: 'Display Capture 2' (monitor_capture)

It's not recommended to have Game and display captures in the same scene.


Active Member
Your GPU still needs to render frames before they can be encoded.

Any GPU can be overloaded.

Having game and display captures together can negatively impact performance.

OBS has to share GPU resources with whatever other apps are running.

I can't tell you why OBS can't get access to GPU resources to render frames, but I can tell from the log that it is happening, 10% of the time.