DroidCam OBS Camera

DroidCam OBS Camera 2.3.4


I just upgraded to the OBS 29.2 beta and it no longer appears in the '+' sources list, and previous instances have no properties...
the droidcam-obs.dll/pdb and droidcam-virtual-output.dll/pdb are in the 64bit folder.


@lcalder seems to work OK for me, could you please upload and paste the OBS logs from your beta. If you would prefer not to post the logs publicly, send the link to support@dev47apps.com
Here's the log. I just redownloaded and reinstalled the OBS 29.1.0-beta1 as well as your newest droidcam plugin...

Thanks for the plugin. I have the pro version and love it.


  • 2023-03-30 22-36-47.txt
    76.1 KB · Views: 47


New Member
Hello @dev47 . I just got Droidcam app and unlocked it for my iPhone11 and installed the plugin ver 2.0.2 in OBS. All seems okey when I add a new source to my OBS canvas, but when I press the Start Streaming button in OBS, image frozen and gets black in other hand, i'm not able to get audio using the iPhone built-in mic and you pluging...Have you heard about these issues? any troubleshooting for them?.
Thank you !!!!


@Nacho_KR - is the DroidCam output good in OBS itself (the preview / canvas)? And its the stream thats not working?

Which site are you streaming to, and if you add other sources (for example a "Color Source" or an "Image Source"), do those work or is everything just black output?


Active Member
It wasn't working on me either but I just deleted the source, created a new one and activated it.
Works as expected.


New Member
@dev47 here is my feedback:

is the DroidCam output good in OBS itself (the preview / canvas)? And its the stream thats not working?
yes, I can preview Droidcam in OBS canvas cam without any issue...in fact i have two Droidcams at the same time in canvas since I want to stream with 2 iPhones at onces...the problem comes when I press the "start streaming" button in OBS since both droidcams goes black

Which site are you streaming to, and if you add other sources (for example a "Color Source" or an "Image Source"), do those work or is everything just black output?
My streaming severs are rtmp://live.amateur.tv/atvprod_inrtmp and also rtmp://rtmp.str.manyvids.com:1935/live_stream/...both at the same time using the Multple RTMP outputs plugin by @sorayuki (https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/multiple-rtmp-outputs-plugin.964/). I have another source in the screen, a floating text, but all canvas is black !!!

Thanks again for your support


Here's the log. I just redownloaded and reinstalled the OBS 29.1.0-beta1 as well as your newest droidcam plugin...

Thanks for the plugin. I have the pro version and love it.
Just saw this... And yes it looks like the plugin isn't loading fully. I am not sure why at the moment, lets see if there are any other similar reports. So far it works fine for myself and others, so this could be specific to your setup and we would need to debug further .


@Nacho_KR -- it sounds like this isn't related to DroidCam then?
If all sources/canvas is black, this is an issue with the stream itself. I would ask that you post in the main forums, or try the Discord. Make sure you post your logs as noted here: https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/please-post-a-log-with-your-issue-heres-how.23074/


New Member
Just saw this... And yes it looks like the plugin isn't loading fully. I am not sure why at the moment, lets see if there are any other similar reports. So far it works fine for myself and others, so this could be specific to your setup and we would need to debug further .
I am having the same issue myself using Droidcam OBS using the latest OBS beta, 29.1 beta 2. The plugin was working before updating to the beta version of OBS. Tried uninstalling Droidcam OBS and then reinstalling the latest version of the plugin, but that didn't help fix the issue. Here's a log of my instance of OBS where the plugin failed to load.


  • 2023-04-05 19-19-57.txt
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Active Member
Do what I did. Remove the droidcam source (fully) and add it again.
It works for me on the 29.1 beta 2 without doing nothing but what I did above on the beta 1.
Last edited:


Unfortunately as per the logs,
Module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/droidcam-obs.dll' not loaded`

@lesstech64 can you install v2.0.1 and see if it loads?

Edit: and can you tell us how you got the v29 beta? Was is through the installer, or the zip?


New Member
Unfortunately as per the logs,

@lesstech64 can you install v2.0.1 and see if it loads?

Edit: and can you tell us how you got the v29 beta? Was is through the installer, or the zip?
I installed v2.0.1 and the plugin still does not load. I installed the v29 beta through the installer, but I have also tried using the zip version and get the same error. Tried also removing the source from my scenes in OBS as PaiSand suggested, but this also did not fix the issue. I still see the same [Module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/droidcam-obs.dll' not loaded] error in the log files.


  • 2023-04-05 22-52-39.txt
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OK, I believe the issue is with the FFMpeg libraries being upgraded in this OBS release. It's an (unexpected) major upgrade similar to what happened during OBS v28.

DroidCam plugin fix incoming..


New Member
I don't know if this has already been discussed somewhere or maybe I'm the only one who might be interested in this application, but I have 2 questions:
1) why aren't all the cameras displayed on the back of the smartphone?
2) why are 2 cameras displayed on the front, although only one is installed?
Thank you for the development work!


New Member
Sorry I just saw that this has already been answered in the Q&A. It's a pity that you can't use the telephoto lenses, but if Samsung doesn't allow access to them, there's probably nothing you can do. I still don't quite understand the thing about the second front camera.