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Free Animated Lower Thirds with Dockable Control Panel v.1.6


Hello all,
I have a problem running the script in OBS. After I ran lower-thirds scripts hotkey this message appear in the scripts log

[lower-thirds_hotkeys.lua] Error calling script_load: C:/Users/acer/Downloads/lower-thirds_hotkeys.lua:436: C:/Users/acer/Downloads/../common/js/hotkeys.js: No such file or directory

Can you tell me how to fix it? thank you in advance
Hi! It's really important that you unzip all the files of the tool correctly.

I see that you are running the script from the "Downloads" folder. The problem is that it is not finding the rest of the files it needs.
Unzip it again and make sure they are all there.


Big fan still, I liked the preview on the text file feature.

I have a little different use case, I would like to change the text of some slots via a script before hand, so that I can select the corresponding slot than later.
How and where are the different texts stored, and can I access the edit it from outside OBS?

And/or will it be possible in Version 1.7 to have a different file for a different slot?
Hi! The data is stored in the OBS Browser using localStorage. That means there's no file where they are being saved.
I find it very interesting but I would have to think about how to do it.

Thank you for your comments. ^^


Is there any way to have more than just four separate lower thirds? I'd like each of my lower thirds to have a different design and need six in total.
Unfortunately, there can only be four. Would it be totally different designs or just color changes?


New Member
Unfortunately, there can only be four. Would it be totally different designs or just color changes?

Mostly, it's different colours.


New Member
Hi! The idea is that you can manage everything from the Control Panel, that's why there is only one Browser Source that is in charge of displaying the Lower Thirds sent by the Control Panel.

The good thing is that the next version (v1.7) will have a feature to automatically show the Lower Thirds we want according to the scene we are in.

I hope this helps you and thanks for your patience.

Thank you for your reply!!
Are the settings of the scenes planned for each slot?
If so, then my problem would be solved, because I can then set a maximum of 4 lower thirds with different positions in a scene :-)

Do you already have a rough idea when the v1.7 will be released?
Thank you for your help!!!!


hello, something I suggest to add, the possibility of choosing two slots and placing them in another part of the screen. example: host has a lowerthirds

guest has a lowerthirds

and when I go to the scene that they are together I need to enable the two LTs and that they are located in another sector of the screen next to the double overlay

sorry for my english i only speak spanish


New Member
Hey, I'm a Web dev and I love this plugin. The only thing I wished for was a responsive panel that I could make a bit wider. So I did the changes.

In the original width it looks pretty much the same. I changed the labels "Clr X" to "C X" because when using it on my Mac the number would get wrapped to the next line:
Bildschirmfoto 2021-07-10 um 18.16.09.png

So here are the layouts at original width and two wider versions. The controls will automatically adjust to the width of the panel.

_Users_maccesch_Downloads_Animated-Lower-Thirds_lower%20thirds_control-panel.html (1).png
_Users_maccesch_Downloads_Animated-Lower-Thirds_lower%20thirds_control-panel.html (2).png
_Users_maccesch_Downloads_Animated-Lower-Thirds_lower%20thirds_control-panel.html (3).png


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HamMan 73

New Member
I am seeing something very strange. Every once in a while my icon and slot text in a lower third box will disappear, as if they have never been configured. However, if I reboot the PC all comes back to the way I configured it, with my icon and slot text. Any thoughts or ideas as to what could be causing this??


New Member
Is there any parameter for the plugin to accept images? I'm trying various sizes and types (jpeg, png) but it doesn't appear in preview and on screen. Look how it's appearing - it's like you don't recognize the image, even though it allows you to select it.

Here is an example of how to use a single button in Touch Portal to toggle between two lower thirds. (Set Key Commands as mentioned in Low Level key Press).

I use this to show if an item is enabled or disabled. So my button is set to "SET ENABLE" to show me that if I press it, it will show the ENABLED lower third. etc.

toggle3.png toggle1.png toggle2.png


New Member
Hi thanks for your work that's very helpful. I'm having some difficulties: 1st mine doesn't look like you have on the YouTube video the version that I downloaded was v1.6 my obs version is 27.0.1(64bit)
2nd can you tell me what size should the logo be so I can see it on obs because when I put my logo it didn't show on obs. Thanks...

Hi Avi! First of all, thank you for your wonderful review and your generous contribution to the project.
On the other hand, more and more people use the tool in a similar way to yours. Surely, I'll end up adding this function as a style or something.
For now, I hope that this temporary solution will help you (it can also be applied in the next updates):

1. In the browser-source.html file, look for line 468: alt_3_info_size = received_data [54]; Replace it with the following:

if (received_data[52].length > 70 && received_data[52].length < 140) {
alt_3_info_size = received_data[54];
alt_3_info_size = alt_3_info_size - ((received_data[52].length * 0.030 - alt_3_info_size) / 2.10);
} else if (received_data[52].length > 139) {
alt_3_info_size = 1;
} else {
alt_3_info_size = received_data[54];

2. Then in style-source.css file, add this at the end:

.left > .logo {min-width: fit-content; align-self: start;}
.style-1 > .graph-1 {align-self: start; min-width: 0.3em;}
#lower-third-3 > div.text-content > div:nth-child(2) div {line-height: 1.25em;}
#lower-third-3 > div.text-content > div:nth-child(2) {height: auto;}
#lower-third-3.left {top: var(--alt-3-margin-v); bottom: unset;} > .text-content {margin-right: 1em;}

What it will do is reduce the font so that it fits the text on one line. But if the text becomes too small it begins to divide the text into lines.
These changes affect only Lower Third 3. And they work correctly with the settings you use in the video. Any change in font or size may slightly affect the result.

Note: If you don't want the text to adapt the size, just skip Step 1.

Hope it helps you and anyone who needs this feature.
In answer to question 2: As far as I can tell, the logo can be any size but as mentioned in the post just above, even though you get a location dialog for the logo, it must be copied to here in order for it to work:



New Member
Hi Avi! First of all, thank you for your wonderful review and your generous contribution to the project.
On the other hand, more and more people use the tool in a similar way to yours. Surely, I'll end up adding this function as a style or something.
For now, I hope that this temporary solution will help you (it can also be applied in the next updates):

1. In the browser-source.html file, look for line 468: alt_3_info_size = received_data [54]; Replace it with the following:

if (received_data[52].length > 70 && received_data[52].length < 140) {
alt_3_info_size = received_data[54];
alt_3_info_size = alt_3_info_size - ((received_data[52].length * 0.030 - alt_3_info_size) / 2.10);
} else if (received_data[52].length > 139) {
alt_3_info_size = 1;
} else {
alt_3_info_size = received_data[54];

2. Then in style-source.css file, add this at the end:

.left > .logo {min-width: fit-content; align-self: start;}
.style-1 > .graph-1 {align-self: start; min-width: 0.3em;}
#lower-third-3 > div.text-content > div:nth-child(2) div {line-height: 1.25em;}
#lower-third-3 > div.text-content > div:nth-child(2) {height: auto;}
#lower-third-3.left {top: var(--alt-3-margin-v); bottom: unset;} > .text-content {margin-right: 1em;}

What it will do is reduce the font so that it fits the text on one line. But if the text becomes too small it begins to divide the text into lines.
These changes affect only Lower Third 3. And they work correctly with the settings you use in the video. Any change in font or size may slightly affect the result.

Note: If you don't want the text to adapt the size, just skip Step 1.

Hope it helps you and anyone who needs this feature.

I am having trouble accomplishing this, I made the changes though it seems to have no effect?


New Member
Regarding adding the date: I was able to add the date this using a small piece of javascript and a span element. You can add the time as well, but it will only update when you do a transition, and the date is really all I needed.
I used the code from here: and added it to the script at the bottom of the browser-source.html within the script tags.

I then went up to the lower third that I was using and placed a div and span where I wanted the date to appear. The drawback to this is that it will appear on all the memory slots for that lower third section, but it works for my application.

The result:

The developer has very clean and well-organized code, so this was easy to implement. I hope that this helps in possibly adding this in a future update.
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The developer has very clean and well-organized code, so this was easy to implement. I hope that this helps in possibly adding this in a future update.

Yes you are right and nice work there. It might be handy to include the actual text so that folks can copy and paste it? Either way, great stuff.
This tool has been very helpful and solves a lot of little issues I've been having. I was trying to add a small scoreboard so I could double it as a quick overlay with hotkeys but I keep adding a leg to a shoulder and bolt to elbow in my Frankenstein attempts. Maybe a toggle showing the scores between left or right. Any help would be appreciated, w3schools has been a good helping tool though.

Also will try something from an earlier post but hoping someone can code it better than whatever I come up with lol


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For my application this will work but I just can't seem to change the code to increase/decrease with the text box but if I change it to numbers its undefined. I feel like its something super simple but I am just not seeing it.

                        <div class="first-edit-container">
                            <div class="logo-container" onclick="openLogoPopup('alt-1-logo-preview', 'alt-1-logo-default')">
                                <img id="alt-1-logo-preview" class="logo-storable alt-logo-preview" >
                            <div class="textfields-container">
                                <input class="storable" type="text" id="alt-1-name" placeholder="Name" tabindex="4">
                                <div id="alt-1-name-appearance">
                                    <label class="config-btn small">
                                        <input class="checkbox-storable" type="checkbox" id="alt-1-name-transform" checked>
                                        <div class="icon-btn icon small icon-uppercase"></div>
                                    <label class="config-btn small">
                                        <input class="checkbox-storable" type="checkbox" id="alt-1-name-weight" checked>
                                        <div class="icon-btn icon small icon-bold"></div>
                                    <input class="storable" id="alt-1-name-color" data-jscolor="{width:100, padding:5, borderRadius:3, borderWidth:0, controlBorderWidth:0, backgroundColor:'#1f1e1f', position:'right', shadow:true, previewSize:60}" value="">
                                <input type="text" id="alt-1-info" placeholder="Info" tabindex="5" min="0" max="10" value="1">
                                <button onclick="this.parentNode.querySelector('input[type=number]').stepDown()" class="down"></button>
                                            <button onclick="this.parentNode.querySelector('input[type=number]').stepUp()" class="up"></button>


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