After a while OBS crashes and wont reopen.


New Member
Hi everyone, Im having this problem "" which appears to be several years old so I'm hoping someone has a solution. The problem started specifically after adding the HDS 60 capture card to my already complex setup. I tried the solution in the above post but it didnt work for me or the OP and it appears the OP's problem was never resolved. I can solve my problem by removing the capture card but then i cant stream my consoles :(

I tried uninstalling the drivers and reinstalling them which allowed me to actually open op OBS after it crashed which usually I cant do until I restart.

I am fairly certain that the dump file I'm posting here is not helpful because I took it after obs crashed, then i reinstalled teh drivers, and then it opened (I took dump here). I will post another dump file the second it crashes again incase this one is bad.

Also i think im doing something else wrong with the dump file because its filesize is enormous. ( 900MB


Suslik V

Active Member
At least post your OBS crash logs:
this may help to the developers.


New Member
Thank you so much I thought that's what the dump file was for! I will reopen streamlabs now and provide a log when it crashes, granted its kind of sporadic and sometimes wont crash for hours.

Also if it helps I recently installed OBS (not streamlabs) and it has not crashed yet, and I just copied my settings over, so maybe I can see which settings are different between my OBS and my Streamlabs and that will help.

Anyway in the process I uninstalled streamlabs and now when I install it, it wont even open, however after a reboot it opened.

I Could not find a "help menu" or any "Log files" entry in the settings window. I did however find a directory in appdata/roaming/slobs-client/crashpad/reports full of dump files? This is the most recent file in that directory:

I will repost another dump file the second it crashes.

If I cant figure this out it seems the OBS client never crashes as I said before however I prefer streamlabs for no reason other than I used it first. Thanks!


  • f60eacc5-fcac-42f9-8cf2-e87a633bc835.dmp
    917.5 KB · Views: 65


New Member
Never mind it also happens with OBS and Streamlabs OBS :(


  • Crash 2021-06-29 16-27-03.txt
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  • Crash 2021-06-29 13-50-19.txt
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Suslik V

Active Member
I think it looks like:
bmalloc, os_breakpoint, crash.
Maybe capture card eat all the available memory during capturing (try at least to monitor if RAM usage grows, via device manager etc.).

Suslik V

Active Member
The sequence of events (from first to last available in the crash log, v27.0.1 64-bit):

obs.dll!0x???????9d13c (obs_source_frame_init)
obs.dll!0x???????7ec70 (video_frame_init)
obs.dll!0x???????85286 (bmalloc)
obs.dll!0x???????8ffc2 (os_breakpoint) - obs function to halt the application

This is out of memory error. Almost nothing to fix on OBS side. Please, contact manufacturer of the capture card.

Just for curiosity, are you using I420 setting in OBS (not NV12) and 1920x1080 output size?


New Member
Sorry for taking so long to reply. I monitored RAM usage and it never spikes over 20% however the GPU usage spikes to 100% every time it crashes but at times when I'd expect GPU usage to be minimal, that is during black screens and during times not really gaming (usually).

Also as I said at the start it only happens with the El gato HD60 S, not with the El gato cam link. Also I am using NV12 I believe with 1920x1080 output but i will try switching to I420 whatever that is.

Thanks I am now trying to contact El Gato about this problem. Otherwise I will return the card, is there a recommended card to use that wont have this problem I am seeing this problem with the El gato HD cards everywhere and all the solutions seem to be different and not totally solve the problem :(

Suslik V

Active Member
...switching to I420
Not needed. I just read the crash-log and tried to guess what parameters were given to the functions.

No recommended cards as far as I know, but OBS has Blackmagic Design devices support (some of them). They are controlled from the main menu Tools->Decklink Output (if you have the one and all required software installed).


New Member
Darn. I have made every change in settings I can think of and can find online but still after many hours it just crashes, the last one not being an out of memory but being a "Breakpoint reached" I went through the log and found something saying "deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly" I just removed all the el gato hd60 s captures i had and moved them all into 1 scene and now i link to that scene from elsewhere, i did this in the hope that having 1 game capture source is better than many.

Also I see "Source Console Sound audio is lagging (over by 1.05 ms) at max audio buffering. Restarting" alot, and im hoping the above helps that too.


  • 2021-07-04 13-39-40.txt
    192.8 KB · Views: 17


New Member
If it helps diagnose my problem, OBS seems to crash after several hours regardless of whether I'm streaming or not. Also it seems to only happen with the El Gato HD60 S, not the El Gato Cam Link 4k.


Active Member
If it helps diagnose my problem, OBS seems to crash after several hours regardless of whether I'm streaming or not.

Ack. The "sound mixing engine" within OBS is running all the time. Wether you idle, stream or record.
What i'm stumbled upon in your log is the nasty (and unbelievable fast!) builtup of sound-buffer.
What is your wasapi source "Console Sound"? Do you have it instantiated more then once? You have it in numerous scenes. Did you used inserting "existing one..." from the second scene on?


New Member
Console sound is the El Gato HD60 S device. I have it once in a scene called console that I then add into many other scenes.

II am also not using "No paging file" I was using "Custom size" of a little over the recommended of 9gb. I just switched it to "System managed size"


  • 2021-07-06 07-29-59.txt
    38.5 KB · Views: 13


New Member
Hi actually I just realised I had made a mistake, I thought I added the card to a scene and then added the scene to multiple other scenes but i actually had the card added individually in 4 different scenes, could that be the problem? I just changed it so that the card is now in 1 scene which is used 4 times in other scenes.


New Member
That gives me hope, should I always use existing sources and never read? Right now I have my microphones added to every scene (not reusing them) I also have my speakers added to every scene. However now I have the web cam and game capture in separate scenes that get reused.

I will again leave obs open and report if it crashes as usual tomorrow.

I also just unchecked use browser acceleration in chrome and obs as i use a browser plugin just to see if that helps although I doubt it.


New Member
To be extra clear my Game capture is in a scene called Game capture all by itself and the webcam in a scene called Webcam.

I then add the webcam scene into 7 other scenes, and I do the same with the game capture scene. All the audio devices are added 7 times using "existing source" on each scene.