
  1. P

    Noob webcam confusion or should I stop use OBS Studio?

    I have just started to use OBS studio and didn't get far to end up in some Alice in Wonderland alleyway. Are you not supposed to be able to connect more than 2-3 webcams in OBS Studio? If not, maybe you could recommend some other software for me? Because I'm trying to set up 3 webcams for use...
  2. G

    webcam delayed with second monitor plugged

    when i use a second monitor and i use other programmes like safari my webcam signal seems to be delayed with my movements, i cannot fix this delaying my mic because this lag changes trough time. this is very bad for my streams because at first you hear my voice and then you see my lips moving...
  3. H

    Droidcam lag

    Hi! I've been using droid cam for a little while now, and recently I've stumbled across a problem. You see, sometimes during recordings my webcam freezes and video is really slow and suddenly speeds up and everything's fine again. If someone knows what the issue is, please help!
  4. C

    Console Streamers, any tips on camera getting desynced?

    Hi! So I've been streaming off my PC for the longest time and have no issues. I've done a few console streams from my switch using the Elgato Game Capture HD. And I know there's a delay so you have to account for it. All of the audio stuff works out just fine. But my camera seems to get...
  5. M

    Webcam freezes

    Hi all: I've been having issues with OBS on stream lately. I was streaming with no issues for months but a couple of weeks ago my webcam started to freeze on stream like every 10-20 seconds randomly. I have to say that the webcam works perfectly fine while I'm on skype or zoom, but once I start...
  6. C

    Brightness and Contrast stop working for my webcam

    I know this is probably a Logitech Webcam issue but it's worth giving it a try here. tl:dr- Some days, I'll go into OBS to record/stream and I'll tinker with my video settings, but I'll find that my Brightness and Contrast DO NOT change at all. This is important for me because with my lighting...
  7. P

    OBS not recognizing macbook air 2020 built in webcam

    Have been desperately trying to have OBS recognize the built in webcam on my mac. I click on the sources and video capture device (and add existing) however my webcam doesnt pop up. I have redownloaded obs, restarted my laptop, made sure the camera isnt open anywhere else and it still refuses to...
  8. B

    HELP: Why the Heck Is OBS Virtual Camera Showing up As WebCam??

    Very recently, I purchased a new Dell Micro PC with Windows 10 Pro. I've a Logitech C920 WebCam Pro that worked fine on my Windows 10 Home laptop and it was doing fine on this system. Then, I installed OBS Studio to record videos and do some livestreaming. My system is an i7 PC with 16GB of Ram...
  9. R

    Webcam and Media Sources (High GPU % Usage) "HELP"

    Ok, so the problem I'm encountering is that when I have my "Webcam" and "Media Source (my overlay)" enabled, its starts chowing my GPU percentage indicated in the below image. I've read up quite a bit about it and I know why, because it needs to render frames etc etc. I want to know if there is...
  10. C

    Virtual Webcam not Activating on Scene Switch

    I am currently trying to create a series of scenes featuring a FaceRig virtual webcam input. each scenes needs the v-cam to have different colour correction and cropping, and so I have created multiple sources using the same webcam. As Facerig only creates one output, I have each instance set to...
  11. K

    Blurry image when setting Logitech C922 Pro to 1280x720?

    Just upgraded to a Logitech C922 camera because my previous one was stuck at 30fps. I got the new one hooked up and added it as a video capture device. Everything was good so far, running at 60fps but was defaulted to 4:3 for some reason. I went into the properties and set the device's...
  12. P

    Blurry Webcam Recording

    Hello, i'm kind of new to this. anyway my webcam works great in other applications but when i try to record in OBS it is blurry. The game capture however is not and i've tried a million different things. focus and other things are greyed out and i don't have access to it. any help would be...
  13. J

    My webcam doesn't work in more than one scene

    Hi, I've been having problems recently with my new webcam. It doesn't work in more than one scene! The only way I could make it work was copying and pasting her font. Does anyone have any solutions?
  14. Kaduh15

    webcam ruim no obs mas no meet otima!

    alguem pode me ajudar? quando coloco uma câmera diretamente no obs ela fica com uma qualidade ruim e travando (já estava achando que era uma porcaria uma câmera), mas quando fui fazer uma raunião no google conheceu ela ficou 10 vezes melhor. atualmente estou abrindo uma reunião no meet e...
  15. dev47

    DroidCam OBS Camera 2.3.4

    The DroidCam OBS plugin lets you connect your phone and get high quality audio & video directly into OBS Studio, just like a regular camera source. No need for a separate client, less software = more resources for your production! Connect as many devices as you want, using WiFi or USB*. Free...
  16. M

    Mac M1 Big Sur with OBS 26.1.2 - Keeps Dumping Webcam after 1 minute

    Hi All, Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this issue. I have a brand new 13" Macbook Pro M1 running Big Sur 11.2.3 I use OBS to stream live dj sets. I set up the webcams in OBS, they are working and once I hit 'Start Streaming' the webcams stop working within 1 minute. I have tried 3...
  17. J

    Intel realsense sr300 not working///Heeelp!!

    hi i have a realsense sr300 built into a Lenovo x24pro monitor and a tower with an I5-8400 with WIN10. the fact is that from the beginning it does not recognize the camera, the speakers and microphone do work, but after a few days and having the need to use a camera, buy a cheap one and...
  18. Some_OBS_User

    Disable webcam when not in use

    I usually keep OBS always running, and the problem is it's always using the webcam (the webcam indicator goes green all the time and the webcam becomes warm), even when the source is hidden or I've switched to another scene. The only way to disable the webcam is to remove the source or the scene...
  19. K

  20. M

    pourquoi ma Webcam est en noir et blanc ?

    Bonjour, j'ai installer OBS studio il y a 2 jour et donc j'ai tout paramétrer a ma manière sauf que dès le début, ma webcam est afficher en noir et blanc, même quand je film etc., j'ai tout essayer mais je n'y arrive pas a enlever, ce n'est pas ma webcam car sur l'appareil photo de mon...