facebook live

  1. F

    Question / Help Play soundcloud playlist during facebook live?

    I haven't been able to find an answer to this on Facebook support site, so - I want to host a listening party for an album on facebook live. I'm on a 10-core iMac Pro running Mojave, 64BGB RAM, Radeon Pro Vega w/ 16GB, Fios gigabit ethernet wired connection. That ought to be enough horsepower...
  2. F

    Question / Help First film video with OBS and stream live on Facebook afterwards possible?

    Hey guys, I hope you can help me. I'm really good and confident when recording videos, but I'm really nervous in FB lives. Is there a possibility to first record my video in OBS and stream it live afterwards? So far I only upload my videos but is there also a chance to let them stream once they...
  3. Ningishzida

    Question / Help OBS's Screen Matching Facebook LIVE

    Please, please help me out with Facebook LIVE's.... The stream on Facebook looks NOTHING like it does on OBS, why??? Is this normal, or am I doing something wrong??? Please, see the screenshots, the first is on OBS, the second is on Facebook. It seems to lose quality from OBS to Facebook…...
  4. J

    Question / Help Facebook live drops after 30 min of live streaming

    Hello, I am being frustrated by this issue that I don’t know how to resolve it. My live stream on Facebook drops every time when it is close to 30 min or pass the 30 min stream. I checked in two different internet connection and I still having the same issue. Is there any suggestion or someone...
  5. V1TAL1TY

    Question / Help OBS Live Streaming Settings for Facebook

    Hello, I am a gamer and streaming online on Facebook but lately, I am having an issue with my streaming as video quality that I set is not coming out at other ends. I have downloaded the same content and run and it is quite messy as the standard of 1080p. I have really good internet and Ryzen 5...
  6. E

    Question / Help Streaming to Facebook live server failed to connect

    I use OBS to stream our churches service on FB live and for the past 3 weeks I've been getting a "failed to connect to server" message. Our church is running a mac mini OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 I've tried resetting the stream key, using custom streaming, doing that and changing the port number in...
  7. T

    Question / Help Facebook Live unable to find camera if it already with OBS connected

    When I connect my USB Logitech webcam to my laptop and then open OBS, the camera is working properly. Than I start a Facebook Live and FB can't find my camera. So I can' go live. If my first step is starting with FB Live then Facebook can always find my camera. But then I can't connect OBS to...
  8. P

    Question / Help Livestream Facebook or Youtube

    Hi! I would like to live stream sports events with a Sony Handycam camera. How do I set up OBS Studio if I want to stream live on youtube or facebook? With the following features will live video clutter if the internet is good? How can I easily set up and modify a scoreboard in Obs studio...
  9. N

    Question / Help Stream keeps crashing randomly on Facebook Live

    Hi, I work for a small business. We recently started doing live stream auctions on Facebook. Our demographic is older and is more predominant on Facebook. I'm using OBS Studio. Every time we go live, we eventually will crash. OBS will sometimes reconnect us. But, usually we are dead in the water...
  10. H

    Question / Help I cant stream hmm

    Hey guys. I have a great problem here... i have set my page 4 streaming yet it does not show up for people that wants to search for the game.. what i mean is when u go guys for 'Gaming video' > Browse games (For example) > 'Fortnite' and than 'See All" to find my self im im actualy streaming...
  11. B

    Question / Help why my stream output on fb live seems like not 60fps??

    hello, i need help so i just wanna stream on fb but why the result video stream on fb seems like not 60fps? even though my pc can run it and the stat fb stream showing that is running 60fps and no drop fps status on the obs when i stream so where's the problem??
  12. T

    Question / Help 1 stream but multiple saved video's

    Hi all, I had a question about streaming 1 long stream on Facebook but the possibility to cut that stream during streaming in separate movies which Facebook should save. Let me set the scene: I'm streaming a pool tournament with multiple games on the TV-table. I want people who want to watch...
  13. AmadeusRings

    Bug Report OBS Boots me from both Facebook and Youtube MID-Stream

    Greetings, I tried Googling a solution and could not find one. I've tried lowering my bitrate, reinstalling OBS, etc. I've been trying to stream a game for the past week and no matter what I do, I can't seem to get a consistent stream. It seems to be at random. Attached is an error log. Could...
  14. Z

    Question / Help How i can grap Faceook Live Stream and then i can stream to any platform using OBS?

    Hello. i want to grap facebook live stream and then need to stream to my other facebook page or youtube. if this is possible then can you please explain how to do it?
  15. Dihelson Mendonca

    Question / Help Broadcast to Youtube and Facebook pages for free ? How ?

    Hello, all For 2 days I am reading and testing things, but I still couldn´t figure out a good method that I could broadcast to youtube and facebook pages at the same time for free using OBS. There are paid services like restream.io It broadcasts to facebook pages only on the paid version, and...
  16. R

    Question / Help Max Audio Buffering Reached. FB Live Audio Bitrate is Fine for 5 min then Drops Low and Never Recovers

    Greetings, I'm streaming to Facebook Live using OBS. Video and audio are fine for about 5 min, then the audio bitrate in Facebook shows a dip from 130 Kbps to 2.7 Kbps; the audio drops out in FB and never recovers; although, I still see audio still spiking within the OBS waveform. The OBS log...
  17. W

    Question / Help FB Live not connecting with OBS

    So I've done the usual runaround trying to get help yet no one is helping me. I streamed two days ago with the same presets and had no issue on my last stream. I go to connect today and I am faced with OBS saying I'm live yet FB showing me nothing on my dashboard or the link from my discord...
  18. C

    Question / Help Facebook livestream pc via slOBS LAGGY!

    Can Someone help with Facebook live Streaming?? Idk why my stream works great on Twitch (lCynapse.TTV) but streaming on Facebook Live its sooo laggy ... ? I also tried streaming through the AMD Radeon Relive with no luck either ... someone please help !! Using SLOBS (tried every setting...
  19. S

    Question / Help Capture audio direct from Google Hangouts Meet, bypassing computer mic?

    Hi all - I run the digital platforms for a national nonprofit multimedia network, and we've been using OBS (currently OBS version 23.0.1 on MacOS Mojave 10.14.4) to facilitate remote live split-screen interviews on Facebook Live. We usually have our guests join a Google Hangouts Meet, then route...
  20. evinrude

    Question / Help Unable to Live Stream to Facebook Live over rtmps://

    Hoping someone can point out that I am doing something wrong. I have not been able to connect to Facebook Live over rtmps using the latest off of master, version 23.0.1-151-g29a1a97-modified (linux), on Centos 7. I have verified that mbed-tls development libraries are installed and it is being...