
  1. O

    NVENC EncodeAPI Internal Error when game crashes

    Hi! So first my setup: Ryzen 5 5600 3070Ti 16 GB 3200Mhz OBS Settings: NVENC H.264,6k bitrate, CBR, P5, High Quality, PVT on, output 1920x1080 but screen 2560x1440 So i get this Error: "EncodeAPI Internal Error" (nv_enc_err_invalid_param). When im streaming a certain game. Im attaching my log...
  2. I

    OBS crashes every time I close it after streaming

    So my OBS always crashes whenever I stop streaming and close it. But when I close it without streaming it does not crash. Below is the crash log, any idea? Thank you in advance! (It happened multiple times so I can provide more crash logs)
  3. G

    Crashes because of streamdeck plugin? several times a day

    hi, my obs crash a lot of times last few days. never happend before. i sended the crash log to chatgpt and it says its a kind of streamplugin problem. but i dont know how to fix. I already installed the streamdeck again but same problem. in need the mighty comunity power ;-)
  4. salat23

    OBS makes windows audio completely crash

    When OBS is running, opening up volume control and changing it causes windows to freak out and all volume options to become unclickable. OBS version is 30.2.3, but the same bug was observed on earlier version as well. I am attaching youtube video with showcase of whats happening...
  5. S

    Frequent Full PC Crashes

    Hi there! Everytime i have either OBS or Streamlabs open and running it ends up completely crashing my PC. (screen freeze, nothing responds and sound stutters like crazy) It can happen 1 minute in, 1h12in but its mostly between 15/20 minutes in the strim that it all goes away. I updated all the...
  6. S

    OBS recently crashes shortly after pausing or stopping recording.

    Recently I have been having issues with OBS crashing after pausing or stopping recording. This did start happening after downloading various plugins so I feel it is likely that is the causation. But I don't know which plugins may be causing the issue or if they are even the problem at all. Here...
  7. Sima07

    OBS keeps crashing after openning or starting a stream

    Hello everyone, I know that posts like this are probably too often here, but I have no idea what to do. As the title says OBS keeps crashing everytime I start a stream and sometimes even when I just open it it crashed in like a minute. I am attaching the log to see if anyone can help me out.
  8. K

    OBS crashing on pressing record after update

    I'm not sure what is going but after not using OBS for like 2 weeks and some updates it no longer let's me press record. It instantly crashes every time I try. I have checked for file integrity and I've updated all of my plugins. I don't know what is causing the crashes. This is the crash log...
  9. T

    Woops, OBS has crashed!

    Hey , so I setup a hotkey to Start Streaming. Thing is when i press it, OBS crashes inmediatly. Now, i try to restart OBS normally but even there, i cannot open the scene collection again because it crashes again and shows the same message. I can only use this specific scene collection with this...
  10. J

    Computer black screens and crases when recording with OBS

    Hey everyone so I have a rather serious issue when recording with OBS, around 20-30 minutes into a recording both of my monitors go black and the computer crashes. I also hear my gpu fans to up to max speed when this happens. When playing games without obs turned on this never happens, but...
  11. J

    Keep crashing normal and admin mode,Fault address: 7FF9203FB699( \kernelbase.dll) ,only can run with safe mode .can someone help me?

    after one day I rebooted my pc ,it just become this. Already updated Can someone help? Here is Crash log and safty mode log. Thank you guys!!!
  12. L

    Crashes when trying to create macro conditions - advanced scene switcher

    Hi! I'm new to all these so I am hoping someone out there could help me solve this issue. When I open advanced scene switcher and create a macro. OBS Studio crashes when I click the "+" button for conditions. I started using OBS Studio very recently so there's nothing to update whatsoever...
  13. C

    obs saying it didn't close properly upon start up every time and crashes if run normally but not in safe mode

    tried to launch a modded instance of skyrim while streaming and the entire pc froze, forced to restart the pc by turning it off, but now it will say it didn't close properly and suggests to run in safe mode, if running normally it'll crash.
  14. G

    Crashes after i choosed filter for my Webcam / log say bug on OBS

    CPU Ryzen9 5900 X RTX 4090 128 GB RAM My OBS Crashed when i try to make some fiilters on my webcam and the log say its a bug. s it a bug or is there something else ? maybe i want too much complicated things from obs?
  15. G

    Crash during changing camsize on OBS

    Hi, my OBS crashed during i adjusted my webcam. its not the first time today . i dont know whats the problem. somebody an idea
  16. Paul1x

    OBS crashes randomly

    While I'm recording, using a virtual cam, or using editing scenes in general it will show that it is not responding then crash
  17. I

    OBS Live crashes showing 0 kbps

    Since a few weeks I've been encountering this issue, OBS crashes while in live, showing 0 kbps in the bottom of the screen but my preview is frozen, I cannot stop streaming and I cannot exit OBS, if I do so it goes white saying obs is not responding and I can only quit it via task manager. What...
  18. K

    USB CRASH!!!

    please help me understand why obs makes my usb bus crash?
  19. Hardisk

    OBS Crashes on shutdown

    Hi ! Here's the logfile concerned, my OBS crashes on shutdown 100% of the time in a repeatable manner Using latest Windows, GPU & OBS version. Now this seems to happen on the closure event (OBSBasic::closeEvent) and because of the UI DLL Qt6Widgets.dll The nerd in me immediatly thought this...
  20. M

    Random OBS crash

    My OBS is randomly crashing while streaming with the following error 7FFB464D1AA1 (c:\program files\obs-studio\bin\64bit\swresample-4.dll) and attached log file. Websocket remains open and locked and can't reconnect to it without a total system reboot. Please help anything you can recommend...