audio anomaly

  1. N

    I can`t to add Audiobox USB as audio input

    I want to add my interface Audiobox USB Presonus as audio input but It´s not in the list Please, i need to use this interface for Live streaming How can i do?
  2. T

    Audio Cutting Out

    Forgive me if this is covered somewhere but I have search around and tried everything I've come across and nothing has helped. About 8-10 minutes to the recording, or even on standby, my internal audio crackles and fizzes out without warning leaving the rest absent of audio. The video is...
  3. H

    Audio issues with Audio Capture

    First post, sorry if I'm in the wrong place Ok, so I have a couple of issues with OBS that I'm struggling with. The main one over my last 2 streams have been audio based. I have the Application Audio Capture beta plug-in,and it worked for the previous month. Suddenly, I'm having issues with...
  4. P

    OBS Browser Audio Choppy when Window not in Focus

    Geforce 4090 intel i9 13900KF 64gb ram fresh windows install when audio comes from obs browser all sounds well....until the obs window is minimized and no longer in focus (using notepad for example) audio becomes choppy and has distortion until window is clicked on and back in focus heres a...
  5. S

    Audio Issues

    I have upgraded to a new computer for my streaming and I am now having audio cutting out. This strange part if the issues is the fact that it is intermittent and only seems to happen when the congregation is singing or when I have music of any kind. I know that it is not being blocked my...
  6. B

    Audio recorded/streamed with OBS heavily distorted

    Hi, I have an issue with audio when using OBS. My setup is really simple, just using WaveLink software and a Elgato Wave:3 for my audio processing/mixing and then sending it straight into OBS. When I go live or record a clip the audio coming from my voice is fine, but every other source is...
  7. G

    Elgato HD60 S+ on OBS not streaming audio

    Pretty much the title. The video feed stream goes well, no stuttering. And the audio track appears in the mixer it just... Doesn't play any. I've tried the licensed Elgato Software, the 4k Capture and it appears there, in bad quality, but it does. Tried all my (3.0) USB ports and to no avail...
  8. Fenderas

    OBS Studio literally disrupts and filters my Computer Audio

    Hello, I have been experiencing a technical issue with OBS Studio and other programs related to OBS Studio about a Windows 11 problem that completely disrupts, filter, and destroy my computer audio. I have tried to search a solution in google but whenever it searches, it shows up how to make...
  9. F

    OBS Studio - Audio desincronizado

    Saludos a todos. Recientemente adquirí una capturadora de video y al momento de querer ver un programa de la TV en mi PC con OBS Studio, el audio sale desincronizado con el video, además de que por pequeños lapsos el audio se va y regresa. Con el video sí no se presenta ningún inconveniente...
  10. M

    Does anyone know what this means or how to fix it?

    Timestamps are unset in a packet for stream 0. This is deprecated and will stop working in the future. Fix your code to set the timestamps properly
  11. A

    Can't hear my medias after installing vb-cable

    Hi, in order to stream on streamyard I needed to have the same voice effect that I have when I record on OBS. To do that, I installed vb-cable and set it as an output and this works properly (here is the tutorial I followed ) Now the problem...
  12. M

    Mic audio only on one side

    My microphone audio seem to appear only on one side (right side) even if I have it on Mono, you can also see it as the mixer bar for "Voice" is only one. This only happened after I upgraded the version to 28.0.1 but even when I went back to 28.0.0 its all the same. Is there any way to fix this?
  13. S

    Nintendo Switch Audio Issues

    Having some weird audio issues on Nintendo Switch games. The audio works, but for some reason, certain sounds and audio elements from games are not being heard or are heavily muffled. I had a friend of mine help me with audio issues and he said that he heard the same thing I was hearing...
  14. B

    AUDIO OBS: música distorsionada

    ¡Hola a todos! espero que me puedan ayudar ya que esto no me deja avanzar :( Básicamente lo que quiero hacer es poder transmitir y que tanto yo como los usuarios puedan escuchar la música que reproduzco desde youtube/spotify. La cosa es que al abrir OBS, el sonido empieza a salir distorsionado...
  15. S

    OBS Audio Issue (Weird distortions/echo)

    I have been trying to figure out what exactly causes my audio to just go echo or distort at random times. Some recordings it is crisp and clear as I hear the game itself, others it sounds like it got badly compressed and in no way that is what I had in game...
  16. J

    Monitoreo correctamente pero el audio sale desfasado

    Hace unas semanas estoy utilizando el plugin de monitoreo de auidio (en versión OBS 27.2.4 64 bits windows), funciona muy bien y ayuda mucho. El problema es que al comenzar a transmitir, en algún momento se corta muy brevemente el audio de la transmisión (menos de 1 segundo) y vuelve, pero...
  17. R

    Audio change when launching OBS

    When I launch OBS my audio instantly goes tinny. I've added "Noise Suppression" and "Noise Gate" to all of the audio devises as well as disabled monitoring.... halp please...
  18. R

    Audio cutting out completely when I change scenes.

    Hi all, I've been having an issue for the last few days where the audio will just stop completely when I change scenes and OBS will not get input until I restart the program. I only have 1 audio input ( Line (3- ZEDi 10) if it helps find anything in the log. The thing is, it's completely...
  19. C

    YouTube/OBS Audio Issues, But Only With Fraction of Viewers

    So here's our situation. Broadcasting from a church, live services. Using a video switcher, fed into OBS, and then streamed through YouTube. Working with OBS on Mac. Before a few weeks ago we just used the video switcher as a webcam on YouTube, but it was compressing our audio terribly...
  20. Starbrrr

    All audio getting picked up by OBS, yet I can’t hear anything?

    So for some reason the USB port I’m plugging my bluetooth headphones into is picking up on audio, but I can’t hear any sound? I have my monitoring device, my microphone and my headset all set to my headphones, but still nothing. And there is something that should be coming out of my headphones...