• Move Transition
    • add Source Clone matching
    • add Source Mirror matching
  • Move Action filter
    • add source visibility
    • add filter enable
    • fix start delay
  • Move Video Capture Device filter
    • add random move
    • add relative move
  • Fix transition for sources that rotate more than 90 degrees
  • Move Video Capture Device enable move per property
add option to move source audio balance

make matching nested scenes an option
remove restriction for same bounding box type for matching items
don't create move transition for exact matching sources
fix loading hotkey for move action
Fix Move Source filter not able to trigger Move Action filter
OBS version 28
add move for groups and nested scenes
fix reverse by hotkey needs to be triggered twice
Add blend mode support
Add Move Action filter
Add Move Video Capture Device filter

Fix crash when using move transition as show or hide transition in OBS 27.2
fix Move Value changing volume also updated properties