Probably the most essential plugin needed for obs if you want any sort of live editing production quality. I have at least 100 seperate instances where i use move transitions and its many features in my obs scene collection
Got this a few days ago and been focused on playing around with it after watching the linked youtube guides. This has so much potential after seeing how it is being used to integrate twitch points to make streams extremely interactive.
Gives you almost unlimited new possibilitys to be creative
I'm very much in love with this plugin, and I highly recommend that anyone give this one a shot!

If there's one thing I'd want to suggest however, is that there be a way to adjust the intensity of certain easing functions (namely the Elastic, Bounce, and Back functions).

For example, with the Back easing function, being able to adjust how far back it goes before actually whipping the source to it's new position.
Why would you give this anything less than 5 stars? Consistently updated with new features, works SO well. Responsive developer, OTHER DEVS TAKE NOTES. THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT.
Another great update to the best motion plugin for OBS! So simple and easy to use. This is a must have for EVERY stream! Keep it up Exeldro!
Bro.. this is the best plugin & transition that I've always wanted in OBS Studio.. Before this, I use motion-effect.. The developer for the plugin no longer maintaining the code. I hope you will always keep on updating this plugin. If there any bugs I will post it on the forum. THANKS YOU VERY MUCH BRO!
I was searching for this options in OBS for so long. Thx for making me happy! :)
Excellent plugin with an aspiring potential.
Fantastic plugin. Works fluidly and is actively updated by the creator.

We used it for all the "virtual camera moves" and other interface animations in our live stream YouTube show:
Sooooo good!~
This is fantastic, and a great sucessor to the CatxFish motion transition plugin, since the developer is actually actviely working on it.

Recommend this over the motion transition for sure, get your hands on it. Right away. Cheers Exeldro!
Love the implementation of this! It does exactly what it says it does. Very smooth!
Awesome! Revival of with the needed customization.
Smoother then motion effect plugin