Wenn du nach einem Tool suchst, das Filter- und Effektstärken mit der Musik synchronisiert, dann ist das Move Tool genau das, was du brauchst! Das ist zumindest die Hauptfunktion, die ich benutze. Mit dem Move Tool kannst du dafür sorgen, dass der Pegel der Musik einen unterschiedlich starken Einfluss auf deine Filter und Shader in OBS hat – ein richtig geiles Feature für DJ-Streams oder Leute, die gerne mal richtig abgehen!
It seems to be working partially, the scenes have the filters to edit the move on the sources, but the scene transitions does not display the "move" plugin, i remember that i have used it on the past, but does not seems to be working now, i am using obs 31.0.1
I have the same problem like the guy under me. Filter causing a lot render lag. I can also provide logs. One thing to mention is that i added the filter to my cam which is in my cam scene. This cam scene i nested in my gameplay scene. With AR move my render time goes double from 9ms to about 18ms.
The guy under you was able to fix his issue. AR move does take a lot of resources, make sure that the source it is applied to is not rendered multiple times per frame.
This plugin causes massive missed frames just sitting in OBS. i love it but its just not worth the missed frames
Can you provide an OBS log file of a session with the issue?
Great plugin with huge potential, but could use better documentation for the wide options it offers, for example a GitHub wiki. The names of filters and settings aren't 100% clear in terms what they're doing.
why i cant get transform here is the video https://youtu.be/NZLUqbx9vw8?si=fwQtc_JW698k3S_k
You did the move filter on the group. With only 1 source in the group the source is always top left in the group. If you want to move the group put the move filter on the scene instead of on the group.
This is my favorite and most used Exeldro plugin. Those smooth face zooms? This is the plugin I use!
My go-to OBS plugin! Smooth animations, easy setup, and endless customization. It should be built into OBS!
I don't know how OBS existed without this plugin.

But .... I have an issue and AndiLippi says I must tell you
If I set up a single setting Move Value
then duplicate it,
I can't edit the setting's value because it isn't there.
I have to select another setting, then reselect the setting I want to use and the value appears so I can edit it.
Thank you for letting me know the issue. I will try to make a fix for that.
Amazingly, 3.0 additions make this plugin better than the excellence it already was!
Its very good can agree but if have stumbled across an error when you remove the zoom in the transition it breaks my webcam and it disapears for a second and makes the transtition look not the best but on the whole the plugin is amazing
The GOAT plugin
The best plugin for OBS studio, essential in all my scene collections.
Hi i need help with using this, im trying to get an image to move in relation to an audio source but i have two issues, 1 even tho i have the settings for audio move to enable the source move filter with no threshold it still doesnt, and 2 the move source transform doesnt seem to work right, ive tried using get transform but it doesnt collect the position information, or rotation, so then i tried inputting it myself, but when i try to add anything to rot: it does the rotation but also moves completely offscreen to the left, what can i do to fix this,
Hello! I'm currently using OBS Studio 30.0.2, and I must say, it's a fantastic plugin with a plethora of features. However, I've encountered an issue where the 'Get Transform' or 'Get Values' functions don't seem to work for me. This unfortunately renders the plugin unusable for me as I would love to utilize the 'Move Source' filter. I've tried running it both in Admin mode and Normal mode, and whether it's the portable or installed version, the functionality just doesn't seem to kick in. Is there a solution or workaround available for this?
To get Move working on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS we
1 downloaded and unzipped Move 2.6.1
2 dig down into the Move folders, uzipping some, looking for a folder called 'move-transition'
3 copy 'move-transition' to $HOME/.config/obs-studio/plugins
4 restart OBS

That's it. Then Move works in OBS 27.2.3+dfsg1-1
It works wonderfully. I just wish that that the plug-in included a move type setting to write the text on the screen and not just type it out. I use cursive font a lot so if we had a move transition effect to cause the text to be written out that would be cool.
That would require changes in the text source and not in the move plugin.
What would we do without Exeldro?
used to work before will not work no matter what i do.
For support on the plugin please use the discussion page or the OBS discord plugin channel or GitHub issues.
Feels so essential to OBS, i almost forgot it it is an plugin rather than an integral part of the program