New GREEN / RED colors for PVW / PGM Updated t-bar graphics Fine tuning for + & - icons Tested on Windows / macOS / Linux
Fix icons bugs in the "Hotkeys" section.
Fixed some icons issues with OBS 31.0.0
CORRECTED : Icons colors missing Studio Mode button is now purple when enabled. Record Button / Stream button are still RED when enabled
Hi all! I finally took some time to update my Just Edit OBS theme in 2.3 to be 30.2 (and above) compatible. ... and feel free to discover my others streaming assets : - Audio Video Sync : - Framerate playback test : Enjoy! noar #justedit
Fix some broken links with icons in OBS 30.1.1
Added a Windows BAT script to install the theme in OBS default theme folder. Need to be Run as administrator.
Mute / Unmute color button bug correction. Thanks to THE R3Y3S !
New version compatible with OBS 28+ and based on the new YAMI (and mindChip theme). Only tested in OBS 28.0.3 on Windows ** Not tested on OBS 27 !!
Some corrections suggested by @nicwillu : Add a dark border to the input boxes Rec-Pause button is now larger