Question / Help Zoom L20 Livesound deck, Four Zoom Q2n Cams and a 2018 MBP


New Member
And I can't seem to get this all flowing right. For starters, the Q2n cams all seem to hook up OK, but the audio from the L20 Livesound deck is nowhere to be found. I have the drivers installed on everything and all the firmware is up to date.

The cams are routed through a pair of powered USB hubs (2x per thunderbolt port) and nothing seems to choke... all cam angles display just fine; I'm playing it safe for now and streaming at 720.

Because I cannot seem to get OBS and the L20 to play nice I'm trying to resort to the camera audio. It's not real reliable, as switching cameras leaves the audio driver sort of confused ("wait, where should I be?") and then completely quits. SO the key it would seem is to figure out how to get the L20 playing nicely with the software.

Any ideas? I'll resort to baling wire and duct tape at this point.


Active Member
OBS is primarily a stereo audio program that understands some surround sound formats.

In my experience, it doesn't know what to do with multichannel audio devices that are added directly to it as sources.

I use intermediary software (in my cause LoopBack by Rogue Amoeba) to create a virtual device, add the hardware interface I want to it and do manual channel mapping. So if you're trying to add more than one set of stereo or mono inputs from the L20, you'd probably have to create multiple 1 or 2 channel virtual devices in LoopBack, and then add those as sources in OBS.

In this case, LoopBack is the baling wire, as it gives you audio channel routing facilities that OBS lacks.


New Member
OBS is primarily a stereo audio program that understands some surround sound formats.

In my experience, it doesn't know what to do with multichannel audio devices that are added directly to it as sources.

I use intermediary software (in my cause LoopBack by Rogue Amoeba) to create a virtual device, add the hardware interface I want to it and do manual channel mapping. So if you're trying to add more than one set of stereo or mono inputs from the L20, you'd probably have to create multiple 1 or 2 channel virtual devices in LoopBack, and then add those as sources in OBS.

In this case, LoopBack is the baling wire, as it gives you audio channel routing facilities that OBS lacks.

This was the solution for me!

What an arduous journey this has been, and the last piece just dropped into place because of your advice. Thank you very much!