Xbox Game Bar Widgets multiplying exponentially?

Before I post a bug or anything, I wanted to check if anyone has seen this issue? I use game capture. Whenever I open game capture I see the Xbox Game Bar Widgets show up in the list of things to capture. However, every time I open the game capture selection, the Xbox Game Bar Widget multiplies, adding one more. If I open it again, then another widget shows up. As you can see in the picture, eventually the widget will flood the selection list. I have closed everything xbox related and services as well, but it still occurs. Even when there is nothing xbox related running, the selection still shows up and adds another one to the list. Anyone seen this before?


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Has anyone seen this before? I am really baffled by what is going on. Sometimes I can have 20 Xbox Bar widgets how up in OBS. There are not that many instances running. They seem to multiply each time I open the drop down to select a new game.
Has anyone seen this before? I am really baffled by what is going on. Sometimes I can have 20 Xbox Bar widgets how up in OBS. There are not that many instances running. They seem to multiply each time I open the drop down to select a new game.
I haven't come up with any type of solution. I even re-installed my OS and everything clean. Issue is still occurring.
Reviving the thread. This is becoming and serious annoying issue. Does anyone have a solution? He is a pic and my last two logs


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  • 2024-04-25 04-00-51.txt
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  • 2024-04-26 02-57-18.txt
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New Member
I was also having the same issue but I think I figured out at the least a temporary fix. Hit the windows key + G and close out the tabs within the menu that pops up this seems to have fixed the issue for me. I hope this could be of help!
Well update. This is working but if you use GamePass it will come back. So you close everything before starting OBS. After you are done streaming, if you have used Xbox you have to reclose everything again before restarting Xbox. Annoying but it's a work around.