Wrong colors when recording, but only in Eclipse


New Member

I am currently trying to record/stream Eclipse, but noticed the Colors are off.
In the preview, the colors seem to be correct, but once the video is recorded and I open the file, the colors are "washed out".
It doesn't matter which mode I select when using Window-Capture and the colors are wrong even in Screen capture.

When I try to record other things, the colors are correct. This happens only in Eclipse.

I have attached a video recorded through OBS (in the zip) and a screenshot showing the preview (and the original), aswell as the Logfile.


  • eclipse_obs_log.txt
    9.6 KB · Views: 32
  • eclipse_obs_screenshot.png.png
    198.4 KB · Views: 39
  • eclipse_obs.zip
    410.7 KB · Views: 25