To be honest, and no offense meant, I was talking about someone with a deeper knowledge than your posts did show. Some questions would not be asked by someone who is able to successfully do debugging of a live streaming Wireshark trace. I'm shouting silently to myself "stop asking questions and start doing it! (the network trace or whatever you intend to do)" when I read your messages. They appear to me as if you don't have a clue how to even approach the issue in the first place.
You asked about the definition of dropped frames, but this forum is for getting support of OBS issues, so post your OBS issue. Give a log that exhibits the issue, give a description of the issue, ask for support. Otherwise it might be we all (you and we) are dealing with a
The streaming servers contacted by OBS can be found in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\obs-studio\plugin_config\rtmp-services. These lists are updated from somewhere once in a while.
Thank you for the comment.
At first, I never said this is a OBS issue. I understand it can be a network issue streaming service issue or an issue in transit hops.
I also used layman's terms when I was asking. If my queries lead you to misunderstand, I apologize for this cause. I don't know the people who answer in this forum will be the OBS team or a user in the community, then I avoided adding in-depth wording in the query in the first place.
I appreciate your (and everyone's) long comments on this topic.
I know your answers are valid, but I didn't stop asking because your 1st and 2nd comments did not answer my queries directly. I tried to make my query simple by writing it as '1 or 2', 'Yes/No' question. Then I assumed the answer will be like
"It's 1) because ........."
"Yes, because .........."
"Your 1) and 2) are incorrect because ......"
I'm not sure if this is leading to XY problem.
In fact, I expected a clear answer in a few sentences
"Dropped frame rate came from (frame sent from OBS)/(frame received by streaming service). If no return ACK packet from the streaming service within xx ms, the frame will be considered as a dropped frame".
If the software has a frame dropped counter, it should mean there is a hard-coded somewhere with a clear condition when the counter will be increased.
In my case, the user showed the OBS screenshot dropped frame (network).
I have read the below topic before posting this topic.
But the info on the topic was not enough, then I created a new topic here.
The error in the screenshot is an error on the OBS software but points to a network issue. Then, the network team must understand the meaning of the error (dropped frame in this case) to ensure all troubleshooting tasks are in the right direction.
E.g. If OBS expects a return the ACK must arrive within 10ms, we collect packet capture by Wireshark from the PC and port mirroring from a switch. We found no missing ACK from the destination IP to the user IP. But return ACK arrives at the PC in 12ms.
In the above scenario, if a network guy doesn't understand the OBS, can a network guy say this is not a network issue :)
"stop asking questions and start doing it!" >>> We have tried more than one time. Bad luck when the problem was occurring the user was not ready to capture packet. And when I am ready, the problem has gone. The real environment is not easy to deal it as the expectation. There are many limitations and challenges.
Again, I appreciate everyone on this topic. If you guys feel my query should not be posted here, you may route me to the right place to ask about how OBS works.