Bug Report VLC Media Playlist Crash after 20-30m


New Member
Any ideas?
Latest version of OBS running on os 10.14.6 on 2017 MBP

Just had another crash:
14:49:12.920: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] bitrate increased to: 1050, waiting
14:49:12.921: [VideoToolbox streaming_h264: 'h264']: settings:
14:49:12.921: vt_encoder_id com.apple.videotoolbox.videoencoder.h264.gva
14:49:12.921: bitrate: 1050 (kbps)
14:49:12.921: fps_num: 30
14:49:12.921: fps_den: 1
14:49:12.921: width: 1920
14:49:12.921: height: 1080
14:49:12.921: keyint: 1 (s)
14:49:12.921: limit_bitrate: off
14:49:12.921: rc_max_bitrate: 2500 (kbps)
14:49:12.921: rc_max_bitrate_window: 1.500000 (s)
14:49:12.921: hw_enc: on
14:49:12.921: profile: main
14:49:18.441: glBindFramebuffer failed, glGetError returned GL_INVALID_OPERATION(0x502)
14:49:18.442: glFrameBufferTexture2D failed, glGetError returned GL_INVALID_OPERATION(0x502)


New Member
Ok just tried it with a Media source and the software encoder -- no crash. So this seems to be a bug with the Advanced x264 encoder


New Member
I'm see crashing problems using VLC source. It crashed around the 13-minute mark in a 16-minute MP4 video. My output is set to "Apple VT Software Encoder".

OBS Studio 25.0.8 (64 bit), Catalina 10.15.5.