Virtual Camera doesn't work on Meta Spark Studio


New Member
Hi guys

Can somebody help me with the virtual camera from OBS?

I'm trying to use the OBS to help me create some experiences in AR, using the Meta Spark Studio. Aind I really need the option to work with the webcam input from the Spark Studio

When I try to use the OBS Virtual Camera, the image freeze and nothing happens. But when I use my integrated Webcam, the software runs normally. I thought that the Spark Studio doesn't support virtual camera for any reason, but I tried to downaload other softwares like ManyCam and WeCam and both worked well, but because those software are paid, the output of them have watermarks, and I can't use them. Buy a license isn't an option, because they're very expensive. Neither upload the video directly on the software. It really have that option, but for my work, the software need to recognize the virtual camera.

Can anybody know any tip, trick or I don't know, plugin for the OBS that make it work?
