Viewers can hear audio output capture, but I can't


New Member
I recently got the tts bot for Bikubot working on stream, however the next day, everyone else could hear the tts, but I can't. I've tried all monitoring options, reinstalling the bot, but nothing. Anybody know how I can fix this?


New Member
I installed Voicemeeter and it made things worse. It may just be my computer being slow for some reason but with Voicemeeter open, I only hear the tts and every thing else like Youtube (which I use for music) freezes or breaks in some other way


Active Member
How are you using VM? Can you take a screenshot?

It may also help to draw out the signal flow, like I finished today for a rig that I'm building and attached here for reference. The more detail you can put on it, the better, like named signals if they exist, what processing there is at each point, etc. If you can leave everything at home, go far away, buy all new stuff, and build an equivalent copy on the first try from that diagram alone, then you've done a good job.


  • Audio-Routing.pdf
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