Videos turn out real laggy with my RTX 2070 Super


New Member
I've been trying to use OBS for a couple of months now and I just can't get it to work. Even on simple games like terraira, after about 20 minutes I get the overload message and the video turns out really laggy. Ive tried to many different things and i just cant get it to work at 1080p 60fps.

Heres a list of things I've done:

-tried using encoder x264 and NIVIDIA NVEMC H.
-Changed the bitrate
-Changed the rate control
-turned on and off look ahead and psycho visual turning
-tried messing with the downscale filter
-Turned off windows game mode
-uninstalled and reinstalled obs and completely getting rid of the left over files when i installed it

Another note:

I have 2 monitors. ones 144hz and the other is 75hz. I've seen a lot of people say the smaller Hz monitor could mess up the recording. I have tried unplugging the 75 Hz monitor from the PC and it made no difference in my problem.

Here are my computer specs

-Intel i7 9700f
-RTX 2070 SUPER (8GB)
-16gb of ram (2 sticks of DDR4)
-445GB SSD (OBS is installed on the SSD)
-1 TB hard drive
- B360 motherboard
- 650 watt PSU

I will have a log file that is from a recording of DOOM Eternal linked to this

Thank you for the Help!


Active Member
The refresh rates of your monitors are going to cause stuttering. Either run them at 120Hz & 60Hz or you can try updating to Windows 2004 to see if it helps. I can't tell you if the fix in 2004 works as I'm still running Windows 1903 & I just deferred updates for another month this morning.

As far as your dropped frames. Switch your Preset to Quality & turn off Psycho Visual Tuning.

I also would record using CQP & start with CQ @ 18. If you want higher quality lower the CQ & if you want smaller files raise the CQ. Right now, you're just wasting disc space....

NVENC Capture 2.JPG


Active Member
A few more suggestions:

Set all your sampling rates so they match
16:38:47.887: OBS 25.0.8 (64-bit, windows)
16:38:47.887: ---------------------------------
16:38:47.902: ---------------------------------
16:38:47.902: audio settings reset:
16:38:47.902: samples per sec: 44100
16:38:47.902: speakers: 2
16:38:48.628: WASAPI: Device 'Speakers (7.1 Surround Sound)' [48000 Hz] initialized
16:38:48.628: [Loaded global audio device]: 'Desktop Audio'
16:38:48.657: WASAPI: Device 'VoiceMeeter Output (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO)' [44100 Hz] initialized
16:38:48.657: [Loaded global audio device]: 'Mic/Aux'

Change the Color Space setting to 709
16:38:48.341: YUV mode: 601/Partial

Create another Scene & move either your Game or Monitor Capture to it
16:38:49.309: Loaded scenes:
16:38:49.309: - scene 'Scene':
16:38:49.309: - source: 'Display Capture' (monitor_capture)
16:38:49.309: - source: 'Game Capture' (game_capture)
16:38:49.309: - source: 'Image' (image_source)


Active Member
Take a look at your recording settings, the Rescale Output box is checked. Uncheck it & then record again but make sure you're using the exact settings I posted above.

17:32:17.188: [jim-nvenc: 'recording_h264'] scaling enabled, falling back to ffmpeg
17:32:17.188: ---------------------------------
17:32:17.188: [NVENC encoder: 'recording_h264'] settings:
17:32:17.188: rate_control: CQP
17:32:17.188: bitrate: 0
17:32:17.188: cqp: 2
17:32:17.188: keyint: 120
17:32:17.188: preset: hq
17:32:17.188: profile: high
17:32:17.188: width: 1096
17:32:17.188: height: 616
17:32:17.188: 2-pass: false
17:32:17.188: b-frames: 2
17:32:17.188: GPU: 0


New Member
Welp, this is what I got. i'm really stumped at this point.

(btw thank you for all your help)


  • 2020-07-09 18-17-03.txt
    11.7 KB · Views: 59


Active Member
It's a utility, here's the link for it.

Here's something else you can check too

How can I see how many NVENC sessions are in use?
How can I see live encoding stats?

Open a command prompt and paste/type:
nvidia-smi.exe encodersessions


Active Member
Open it & compare it to the RTX2080 picture on the download page. See any major differences?

I have a 6700k/GTX-1660 Super running the same driver as you. I'm recording NVENC Max Quality CQP18 with Look Ahead/Psycho on. Your GPU should be doing the same & it's clearly not. This is NVENC sessions/stats info.

Sessions Capture.JPG


Active Member
Looks good but that just means more troubleshooting....

Has OBS ever run correctly on this PC? Are there any cooling issues?

I would create a completely new Profile in OBS, delete everything (scene/souces) & just add one scene/source & give it a shot. Keep on eye on Task Manager, GPU encode should be roughly 20%. Run the sessions/stats command too.


Active Member
How full is your HD? I still have my recording running & I started dropping frames. My SSD was almost full, deleted 20GB's frame drop stopped. I assume you're saving to your SSD, it's not that large....


Active Member
Run OBS as admin, and change your CQP value off of 2. The encoding lag you're seeing is most likely a result of the encoder producing such a large output that it's not being written to your storage device fast enough. Use CQP of 20 for testing right now.


New Member
I think it worked for a little while when I first got it a few months ago. also my sad has 45.5 GB of free space and my HHD has 143 gb of free space. when encoding, my gpu seemed to stay at 14% but spiked twice which resulted in the recording lagging, and the sound effects in doom eternal to stop playing

also thank you carlmmii ill try that


New Member

I took both of your advices and I'm still having problems... the encoder showed it had spike issues. some rather small but still resulting in lag issues, and twice resulted in a spike that went from 0-60% shown right below. (also it usually say around 13-14%)


here is also my lastest log:

2020-07-09 20-44-44.txt


  • 2020-07-09 20-44-44.txt
    28.7 KB · Views: 62


Active Member
You turned Psychovisual tuning back on. This is a CUDA-accelerated function, which can cause issues, especially with a demanding game like Doom Eternal.