Video Recording not Recording the entire Video


New Member
Hello Friends,

I am currently having an issue where when I record my game from my motherboard integrated capture card the videos are coming out shorter than the recording time. My most recent recording went for fifty minutes yet I only have 22 minuets of recording. I've never had this issue before but now it seems to be happening with every recording I do. Attached is the recording log for the most recent recording. I have some other recordings from these past few months that were 2 hour long sessions but only got 1 hour out of them. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • 2024-09-24 20-33-50.txt
    34.1 KB · Views: 10
  • 2024-09-24 21-48-47.txt
    19.2 KB · Views: 9


Active Member
Disable Game DVR & HAGS & test again before you try anything else.

Something is up, there's a touch of rendering lag/GPU overload but the encoding lag is real bad & your settings should not produce that result. Also set both monitors @ 120HZ while your testing, take load off the CPU.

21:40:24.807: Output 'simple_file_output': Total frames output: 133638
21:40:24.807: Output 'simple_file_output': Total drawn frames: 230178 (230358 attempted)
21:40:24.807: Output 'simple_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 180 (0.1%)
21:40:24.807: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
21:40:24.807: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 132737/133695 (99.3%)

21:48:28.298: obs_gpu_encode_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.208 ms, median=31.666 ms, max=1162.03 ms, 99th percentile=61.096 ms, 24.2126% below 16.667 ms
21:48:28.298: ┣gpu_encode_frame: min=0.17 ms, median=30.951 ms, max=1161.94 ms, 99th percentile=60.493 ms
21:48:28.298: ┗send_packet: min=0.005 ms, median=0.603 ms, max=503.766 ms, 99th percentile=3.317 ms


Active Member
I just noticed your Scene, only (1) Display, Game or Window capture per, they can cause inference You should hook into the game better than what's going on in the log, after it's fixed.


New Member
I just noticed your Scene, only (1) Display, Game or Window capture per, they can cause inference You should hook into the game better than what's going on in the log, after it's fixed.
The reason that's like that is I was having all kinds of troubles getting my games to record. Even now when I try to record on a "specific window" it is just blank. I can record most games full screen with Game Capture but windowed games just don't want to record. I will definitely remove all of those though once I get the video encoding fixed. Should I record something for an hour or would 30 minutes do the trick?


Active Member
Create a new Scene(s) for them if they are needed.

A few minutes should be enough. Don't expect miracles, I highly doubt just disabling HAGS & Game DVR are going to wipe out 99.3% encoding lag but hopefully puts at least a small dent in it.


New Member
Here is the log for the recording I just made with HAGS disabled. It seems to have recorded everything for the whole 46 minutes.


  • 2024-09-25 18-02-36.txt
    21.7 KB · Views: 3


Active Member
Cool! HAGS is weird as all hell. Sometimes it works & sometimes it doesn't but 99.3% encoding lag is a first.

There's still some rendering lag/overload, just need to reduce the load on the GPU slightly to eliminate it.

The log is incomplete but I'm sure than Video Thread is good now too.


New Member
Cool! HAGS is weird as all hell. Sometimes it works & sometimes it doesn't but 99.3% encoding lag is a first.

There's still some rendering lag/overload, just need to reduce the load on the GPU slightly to eliminate it.

The log is incomplete but I'm sure than Video Thread is good now too.
How should I reduce more of the load on the GPU? I don't remember making any changes to my GPU in BIOS as I just got this GPU about three to four months ago. Upgraded from a 2070 Super. Also THANK YOU!!! I never even knew windows had a setting like that.


Active Member
You're going to get better quality on your encodes running your monitors @ 120HZ, plus it will help to reduce the load. Use 165HZ when your not using OBS.