Question / Help Using OBS to stream a presentation and it is very laggy


New Member

I have what should be a powerful enough laptop but when I've set up both OBS and Streamlabs I get bad stuttering, even on preview. I am not using it to stream a game, I am using it to stream a presentation on YT, have the presenter on webcam and include YT chat. Here is the log file.

I have an intel i7-9750h, 16GB RAM, and a RTX2060

Any ideas?


  • 2019-11-13 13-30-29.txt
    13.4 KB · Views: 24


Active Member
No output session in logfile. For analysis of performance data, log needs to contain a completed stream or recording session (Start, stop, upload log).


New Member
Sorry, as it was doing it in preview I didn't realise. Here you go...


  • 2019-11-13 14-07-38.txt
    15.6 KB · Views: 27


Active Member
14:08:29.851: Output 'simple_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 264 (22.8%)

Your GPU is overloaded. Or rather, OBS is attempting to use the GPU and is unable to 22% of the time. Not sure why it should be given what is in this logfile. Anything else using it is running?

14:07:38.577: Loading up D3D11 on adapter NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (0)
14:07:38.632: D3D11 loaded successfully, feature level used: b000
14:07:38.632: D3D11 GPU priority setup failed (not admin?)

Try running OBS as admin.

Also for recording there's probably no reason for you to not use NVENC. On your hardware it will certainly be as good or better than veryfast.