Good afternoon everyone,
I didn't see this situation being asked anywhere else so forgive me if I missed a forum post on it. I'm working with a convention here in the US who had to move everything online this year. We are going to be doing some virtual panels, where we will have a moderator and at least one other person, maybe multiple people in the call at the same time, and it will mostly likely be happening through Zoom or Google Meet. We are going to be streaming this call out to the public to watch, once they have paid for access to it. The people in the call will not be physically in the same location as the other people, so we can't stream it using a regular camera like we would an actual live panel.
My question is, what's the best way to capture the entire video call, not just what my webcam sees? It seems to be to set up a second monitor on my computer, have the video call over on that monitor, and use the windows capture source in OBS to grab the window. I know I can then use Alt and drag to bring in the edges of the capture to cut off the video controls and things like that. Is there a better way to do this, or is that our best option?
I didn't see this situation being asked anywhere else so forgive me if I missed a forum post on it. I'm working with a convention here in the US who had to move everything online this year. We are going to be doing some virtual panels, where we will have a moderator and at least one other person, maybe multiple people in the call at the same time, and it will mostly likely be happening through Zoom or Google Meet. We are going to be streaming this call out to the public to watch, once they have paid for access to it. The people in the call will not be physically in the same location as the other people, so we can't stream it using a regular camera like we would an actual live panel.
My question is, what's the best way to capture the entire video call, not just what my webcam sees? It seems to be to set up a second monitor on my computer, have the video call over on that monitor, and use the windows capture source in OBS to grab the window. I know I can then use Alt and drag to bring in the edges of the capture to cut off the video controls and things like that. Is there a better way to do this, or is that our best option?