Using MP4, AAC H264/x264 (AVC), H265 (HEVC), AV1, etc in the OBS Studio


New Member
If I have selected MP4, AAC H264/x264 (AVC), H265 (HEVC), AV1, etc in the OBS Studio settings, can I record monetizable videos for YouTube and stream on Kick without purchasing any additional licenses or needing to attribute the author?


Active Member
If you're recording/streaming any copyrighted material you have to license it and the license needs to cover what you intend to do and the media you're going to use. Some copyrighted material isn't claimed (like games because free publicity) but isn't the same with others.
If the works you're using to record/stream belongs to someone else and this person allows the free use of it with attribution, you have to attribute it.
Just apply common sense.


New Member
I'm asking whether I need to buy a license to use MP4, AAC, H264/x264 (AVC), H265 (HEVC), AV1, etc. in monetized YouTube videos and streaming on Kick without having to credit the author?


Active Member
Why you think you have to license it? It really puzzle me.
By the way, OBS is free and gratis.


Active Member
As far as I understand, you don't need to purchase any licenses.
Creating and distributing mp4 files is free. Distributing h.264 files is free. What is not necessarily free with h.264 is creating h.264 files, if the application is not free. However creating h.264 with open source apps is free, and obs is open source. Creating hevc files is free. Distributing hevc files to clients requires payment, however the obligation is with the streaming provider (Youtube, etc.), not the content creator (you). If you upload hevc content to Youtube, Youtube will pay for distribution. Creating and distributing of av1 files is free.
If you need sources and references to make sure, please consult Google search.


Forum Admin
OBS has no restrictions on what you can do with the output. It's yours to do with as you please.


New Member
So I can record monetized videos on YouTube and stream on Kick using MP4, AAC NVENC H.264, H264/x264 (AVC), H265 (HEVC), AV1, etc., without having to purchase any licenses and without the need to attibute the author?


Active Member
To add to the above... realize that most CDNs (Content Delivery Networks, ex YouTube) re-encode their videos for distribution. This process is well covered in YouTube, Facebook, etc respective technical blog articles.
So, realize that what you encode to, is used primarily for sending that content TO your CDN. It is usually NOT what viewers watch (which your post seems to mistakenly assume?)

So I do recommend _before_ contacting a lawyer that you do more research and actually understand the streaming content process workflow, recognizing that if you hosted your own Public Internet server and distributed the videos from there, that would be different than videos hosted elsewhere. As for why that is true, I'll leave that for you to research on your own, or ask a lawyer with specific knowledge on streaming

the above addresses encoded content format as you asked... but in most cases you are actually asking the wrong question, because
1. it appears to imply a misunderstanding on streaming delivery
2. your bigger concern should probably be the use of any copyright content (background music, images, video, etc).. none of which has ANYTHING to do with OBS Studio (or any other video compositing/editing software) in regards to streaming content, and is where streamers tend to have more 'problems'. Though again, this is a content creation application support forum.

Licensing, copyright, etc considerations as you are asking about is completely separate from the application... and there are plenty of YouTube videos on this exact subject - though like always, do your due diligence, it is not uncommon for streamers to fail to provide context for their content and provide wrong or misleading info as a result (ie fake 'news'/clickbait is everywhere)
And what are the rules... like most things... it depends (on a large number of factors including exact content, regulatory environment, etc... and none of which are OBS Studio specific). Your streaming platforms of choice may have discussion forums more applicable to your questions


New Member
Can a moderator confirm this so I don't have to buy any license, for example for some codec (mp4, H.264 or H.265, aac) etc.?


Active Member
What part of "you need to consult/ask a lawyer" do you not understand?
no one here can tell you based on your exact workflow, copyright on other content, encoding, regulatory environment (ie country), etc what exact licensing you may or may not need. You are asking that question because you don't understand some basics, and you appear to be perseverating on that question instead of understanding overall workflow better which should result in asking different questions
but you will ignore that ... again...

Sorry for trying to be helpful... I'm out Unwatching thread at this point