USB 3 Capture card not listed in Windows 11 Pro


New Member
Hello everyone, first of all, "Best wishes for this 2025 & all the next years to come !".
I'm new to OBS and trying to transfer old VHS to new supports through HDMI.
I use a HD Video Converter to get a HDMI output signal, that works fine as I can see on my LG connected TV.
I've bought a USB capture card to send the signal to my PC and write it on hard-disks, or other supports (DVD for example).
But after installing OBS, when I try to add a video source, if I choose 'video capture device', the only device that appears in the drop down list is 'OBS Virtual Camera'... If I look at the devices listing in Windows, I can see my connected "USB3.0 Capture" that appears to be my capture card (in fact, it disappears from the listing when I unplug the card...).
I've tested the capture card on a friend PC (HP8300 Tower, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz, W10 Pro, 16 Gb ram) and it appears in the OBS video devices list...
My PC is a MSI GE75 Raider 9SE, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.59 GHz, W11 Pro, 16 Gb ram. I've disabled the Intel video to keep only functionning the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060.
My question is : am I doing something fault or wrong ? Is there anything I must adapt/change/verify in my configuration ? Do you know some case that could have presented the same problem ?...

Thank you if you can help me to solve this trouble.

Have a nice week-end.

Patrick. ;-)


Active Member
1. Don't ignore forum pinned post (link in my .sig) when asking for help/support
2. Don't ignore Operating System (OS) differences, and especially OS permissions for devices (ie, have you granted OBS Studio access to the capture card?)

3. I recommend Troubleshooting audio & video source inputs at Operating System level first. Maybe use Windows Recorder or similar, and make sure you can see and hear the 'captured' video at the Operating System level. Only AFTER that is working fine, move to trying to see content in OBS Studio


New Member
Thx Laurence for your answer. I'll try to find what exactly the problem is in different approaches but I have succeeded yesterday to capture a test of one of my old VHS's on the same machine as I described in my post, but after creating a 'new user (invited)' in Windows 11 Pro, and starting the PC under this 'new' user... So, I'll try to compare the 2 config's and I hope that I'll see the cause that blocks the capture when working in 'my real user' configuration.
If I find, I'll let you know here.
Thx again and best wishes for you and everyone that cares for you. ;-)