Question / Help Unknown Connection Error


New Member
The one day I was streaming fine, the next, I am met with the following error type:

18:08:11.504: ---------------------------------
18:08:11.504: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'simple_aac'] bitrate: 128, channels: 2, channel_layout: 3
18:08:11.508: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmps://
18:08:11.508: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Binding to IPv6
18:08:11.575: RTMP_Connect0, failed to bind socket: unknown error (22)
18:08:11.575: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connection to rtmps:// failed: -2

I tried to stream to Youtube as well, and I also used to different Internet providers. I am at a loss as to why it suddenly fails to connect.
I need another fresh set of eyes.


Forum Admin
Are you sure you need to be binding to your IPv6 address? Try setting this back to default.


New Member
Are you sure you need to be binding to your IPv6 address? Try setting this back to default.

I disabled IPv6 on my wifi connection (however, it still shows an IPv6 address under it's details. The Wifi router only supplies IPv4 addresses.)

I forced the dns lookup to return only the IPv4 address for the RTMP server, but when you try to connect it now only does this:

09:06:07.280: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmps://
09:06:07.280: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Binding to IPv6
09:06:07.281: Could not resolve server '': no valid address found
09:06:07.281: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connection to rtmps:// failed: -2

but it now pings the IPv4 address just fine, or when reverting back it sees IPv6 just fine,

Now that I force the IPv4 address, it seems it still want to find the IPv6 address, but the lookup seems to first find the address type, then sees IPv66 somehow, then request the IPv6 again, but fails because I give it the IPv4 address, so no luck exploring that route. It worked fine two days ago with no changes to any settings or networks on my side.

I looked at the OBS settings but cannot find any reset, or settings related to network IP settings.


Forum Admin
Set Advanced / Bind To IP back to default. You've asked OBS to run on one of your IPv6 addresses but disabled IPv6 elsewhere. If it's already default, try switching it away and back again (if the IP is missing from the system the listbox may get confused, not sure)


New Member
Set Advanced / Bind To IP back to default. You've asked OBS to run on one of your IPv6 addresses but disabled IPv6 elsewhere. If it's already default, try switching it away and back again (if the IP is missing from the system the listbox may get confused, not sure)

Thank you. I found the nework setting (Missed it somehow), layed around and got it to work again. not sure how it changed for I never dabbled there, but the mystery solved and at least learned the application a lot better. Thank you so much.