The one day I was streaming fine, the next, I am met with the following error type:
18:08:11.504: ---------------------------------
18:08:11.504: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'simple_aac'] bitrate: 128, channels: 2, channel_layout: 3
18:08:11.508: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmps://
18:08:11.508: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Binding to IPv6
18:08:11.575: RTMP_Connect0, failed to bind socket: unknown error (22)
18:08:11.575: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connection to rtmps:// failed: -2
I tried to stream to Youtube as well, and I also used to different Internet providers. I am at a loss as to why it suddenly fails to connect.
I need another fresh set of eyes.
18:08:11.504: ---------------------------------
18:08:11.504: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'simple_aac'] bitrate: 128, channels: 2, channel_layout: 3
18:08:11.508: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmps://
18:08:11.508: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Binding to IPv6
18:08:11.575: RTMP_Connect0, failed to bind socket: unknown error (22)
18:08:11.575: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connection to rtmps:// failed: -2
I tried to stream to Youtube as well, and I also used to different Internet providers. I am at a loss as to why it suddenly fails to connect.
I need another fresh set of eyes.