The magnifier is black!

Boris Gonschorek

New Member
I use the Windows 10 screen magnifier in my video.

I use the new feature to take a screen recording via Windows 10 because I have installed an AMD graphics card.

During the recordings, the magnifier is now displayed in BLACK.

This is probably related to the new feature in OBS.

(I'm just a user and don't know the details.)

Could this be fixed, please, because I really like this option!

Suresh Babu

New Member
I found a solution. This problem arises becasue obs is using external graphic card installed in your system. Go to your graphic card settings --> Desktop app--> OBS Studio ----> Graphics preferences-->Power saving option. A screenshot was attached. This worked for me.


  • obs windows magnifier problem.jpg
    obs windows magnifier problem.jpg
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