The ability to move scenes up in the hotkey que.

Hi, I currently just experiment with OBS, so I create scenes to learn and try a plugin, python or .lua scripts. I create many senes and don't want to delete them. When I try a hotkey I. have to scroll down to find the scene that I'm working on. This takes time and I thought it would make it go faster if the current one can be the first one. Moving the scene up in the scene list doesn't seem to work.
Thanks for all you do!


Active Member
Huh??? What are you even talking about? I wonder if you've gotten a completely wrong idea of how OBS works. Maybe a short demonstration video would clear things up?

Scenes and hotkeys have (almost) no connection to each other. You have a list of scenes, sources, etc. (we'll call them "resources" just to be general), and you assign a hotkey to do something with a particular resource. That's it. Nothing to do with order in a list, just a name.

If you assign the same hotkey to do multiple things, I would expect all of them to happen at the same time and in parallel. But that's not normally done, so it's not something that gets a lot of attention either. Normally, you have a separate hotkey for everything, and hit multiple keys simultaneously if you want those things to happen at the same time.

All of that is based on a rig that does a specific thing. Not just playing around and leaving the old messes everywhere to cause problems later. Keep it clean!
Huh??? What are you even talking about? I wonder if you've gotten a completely wrong idea of how OBS works. Maybe a short demonstration video would clear things up?

Scenes and hotkeys have (almost) no connection to each other. You have a list of scenes, sources, etc. (we'll call them "resources" just to be general), and you assign a hotkey to do something with a particular resource. That's it. Nothing to do with order in a list, just a name.

If you assign the same hotkey to do multiple things, I would expect all of them to happen at the same time and in parallel. But that's not normally done, so it's not something that gets a lot of attention either. Normally, you have a separate hotkey for everything, and hit multiple keys simultaneously if you want those things to happen at the same time.

All of that is based on a rig that does a specific thing. Not just playing around and leaving the old messes everywhere to cause problems later. Keep it clean!
Yes, I've been using OBS for years, but recently started using hotkeys, but that is not the problem. Do you not find those things in a scene that you had listed above? If you have many scenes listed and you want to activate a move plugin for example, do you not need to find the scene then the particular effect ? I've been doing this for a little while and it works, just want to make it faster and easier to find. Please tell me how you find that particular source or effect without finding the scene first? Maybe you can, because you truly understand OBS. Or, you might not have understood my question? Thanks for your help and quick response.
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Active Member
Yes, I've been using OBS for years, but recently started using hotkeys, but that is not the problem. Do you not find those things in a scene that you had listed above? If you have many scenes listed and you want to activate a move plugin for example, do you not need to find the scene then the particular effect ? I've been doing this for a little while and it works, just want to make it faster and easier to find. Please tell me how you find that particular source or effect without finding the scene first? Maybe you can, because you truly understand OBS. Or, you might not have understood my question? Thanks for your help and quick response.
Oh! You're talking about the order that they're displayed in Settings -> Hotkeys. The word "que" got me thinking of an order of operations, not an order of display.

Anyway, it seemed random to me for a long time, until I finally noticed:
  • Global functions
  • All scenes in alphabetical order
  • All sources in alphabetical order
Sources are not shown with the scenes that they're in, which makes sense when you think of them being independent objects that the scenes only reference and don't actually contain.
Oh! You're talking about the order that they're displayed in Settings -> Hotkeys. The word "que" got me thinking of an order of operations, not an order of display.

Anyway, it seemed random to me for a long time, until I finally noticed:
  • Global functions
  • All scenes in alphabetical order
  • All sources in alphabetical order
Sources are not shown with the scenes that they're in, which makes sense when you think of them being independent objects that the scenes only reference and don't actually contain.
You had taught me something. I never realized the hotkey list was in alphabetical order. Now it's a little easier to find. THANK YOU! Now I might put them in alphabetical order, so that the current scene I'm working on will be first in the hotkey list. Or, just put an A at the beginning of that one. So much easier to find! My issue is I start new scenes just to concentrate on one idea at a time, but rarely delete them, because I may use that idea later? Too many scenes to choose from. Thanks again!.....Update: Sorry, I meant that as a legitimate compliment. but I think I am wrong. I put an A as the first letter in hotkeys and it wasn't first....maybe a fter a restart or something, but it doesn't appear that way. However, I did find my move value hotkey and yippee! Thanks.
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