Suddenly Experiencing Low Bit Rate

Hey all! I'm at my wit's end, trying almost everything to figure out my issue.

I've been experiencing a low bit rate out of nowhere for a couple of weeks now. I've followed all the FAQs, ran speed tests, and updated drivers and software...I don't know what else I can do.

I ran the analyzer, and it says my GPU is maxed out, but the task manager says it's working fine.

Any help would be appreciated. The log is here: OBS Log
you have dynamic bitrate checked under advanced>Network. This will automatically reduce bitrate when your internet connection cant handle it, instead of dropping frames.
should i disable network optimizations as well? I appreciate the response.

edit: the bitrate is still jumping up higher and dropping to zero. I'm just at a loss. I've never had this issue before.
I'm also dropping frames at 64.8% now. I checked task manager and the GPU is fine :/
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Active Member
What are you doing to monitor your entire network traffic going out to your ISP? not just your PC, but every device.
Without real-time monitoring of traffic, you are doing the equivalent of driving blind-folded. Any number of reasonable (but unexpected to you) things may be consuming upstream bandwidth and causing contention.

the other possibility is an overloaded PC (usually CPU maxed out for an extended period of time, and network traffic de-prioritized compared to other traffic). You are using plugins (like audio) that .. depending on exact plugin and settings, can definitely impact CPU utilization. There are also encoding settings which can cause CPU impact (as not everything done on GPU... so you have to be careful)
And there are the common MS OS and GPU and other driver updates
Ah okay. yeah, i could be monitored better. I did manage to get it to work by changing the preset. its about time i updated everything though, including the router. i appreciate your help.