There we go!
16:19:25.355: Output 'adv_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 565 (8.6%)
16:19:25.355: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 1725/6543 (26.4%)
You're overloading both the encoder and your GPU. Also,
16:10:25.184: - scene 'Сцена':
16:10:25.184: - source: 'Захват экрана' (monitor_capture)
16:10:25.184: - source: 'Захват окна' (window_capture)
16:10:25.184: - source: 'Захват игры' (game_capture)
You have a Monitor/Display Capture in the same scene as a Game and Window capture. Never do this. Delete the Display Capture (Захват экрана) source and put it in its own scene if you need it; Display Capture is the least performant capture method, causes conflicts with Game and Window captures, and should not be used if possible.
It is possible that having the Monitor Capture in your scene is causing all of these problems.
Rendering lag/stalls also normally are caused by your GPU being overloaded, if you are running a game without a framerate cap. There is a workaround; run OBS as Administrator (the logfile says it is not currently). This allows OBS to use the GPU first, before the game, so all its tasks are completed, then the game gets the rest.
Encoding lag normally is caused by CPU overload, but you are using NVENC. Make sure you are using the Quality preset (not Max Quality), and have both Lookahead and Psychovisual Tuning turned OFF. Those options use CUDA cores, and generally will cause NVENC encoding lag.
Again, both the Rendering Stalls and Encoding Lag could be caused entirely by having the Monitor Capture in your scene with a Game or Window capture. Remove it first and test. Doing the other fixes won't hurt, and will help keep OBS running smoothly in any case.