When watch my VOD's I notice that sometimes the fps drops exactly to 19 (you can see it in the video stats of the twitch player). In game everything looks fine, I even use MSI after burner, and the in-game FPS never drpos from 60, but in my streams it looks laggy. I tried streaming at the lowest settings and its always the same result. I also tried whith game capture, windows capture and screen capture. I dont know what else to do to fix it.
My specs:
ryzen 5 5500
GTX 1060 3GB
16GB of ram
this clip shows what im talking about
here's a clips from months ago. I used to stream with an i5 3470 and 8gb of ram, and as you can see, its pretty much the same case
My specs:
ryzen 5 5500
GTX 1060 3GB
16GB of ram
this clip shows what im talking about
here's a clips from months ago. I used to stream with an i5 3470 and 8gb of ram, and as you can see, its pretty much the same case