Stream freeze and bad echo

Dr Talk

New Member
I’m pretty new to streaming but I’ve done 2 podcasts on YouTube so far with bad results. Last night was the worst. The video feed on YouTube was freezing and the mics of me and my guest were echoing something fierce!
I created a room on so my guest could see and hear me. I then took my link from there and imported it as a browser source into OBS and then did the same for my guest. Now, from my perspective as per my OBS screen and headphones, everything was perfect. So, we proceeded to go to air. Only after we signed off I started getting text messages that the video was freezing and the audio was echoing really bad.
I noticed that when I imported the 2 browser sources, I had several audio inputs show up in the OBS mixer. Since I’m still new to this, I figured this must be normal. Apparently not. So I emailed Steve Seguin the creator of He was a tad brief but said all those inputs were not necessary! I’m still unclear as to which ones are essential and which ones can be muted to avoid that damn echo.
Also, he gave no indication as to why my video on YouTube was freezing. So I’m here asking you veterans for your help, please. I reiterate, I’m new to all this but not totally. I come from an audio production background. Thanks in advance!

Dr Talk

New Member
Ok, this has now become VERY time sensitive. I have a big guest scheduled for Sunday January 29 and my video is still freezing! I ran a test stream tonight with a friend as a guest. The audio I’ve got figured out but the video is still a major problem! We recorded a 3:00 test and watched the YouTube feed to confirm the freezing. Then to take it a step further, I played back the video OBS recording of it, and it too was freezing. PLEASE….I only have 6 days to resolve this. Won’t somebody please help me??


New Member
Hey sir-I am starting a streaming podcast myself and was wondering if you had this figured out. I am not having any issues with freezing however I, as the host, am hearing all of my guests echoing. I am assuming it is because I am pulling them in to my obs with the link and am hearing them in the control room and the stream. Would appreciate any help as my first live stream is tomorrow!