SRT with 3x android sources - sync and master audio Questions


New Member
Hi there. I am using a LARIX SRT output from each of 3 android phones which is input into OBS running on a win10 laptop with a wifi hotspot connecting all 3 phones. OBS input source is in the format "srt://192.168.nnn.NNN:PPPP?mode=listener" . The PPPP is the port number, and is different for each android phone. OBS is outputting to youtube as RTMP. TWO Q's please...
1. How can I ensure that all 3 android phones are in sync with each other, so no time jump when cutting between these sources.?
2. Is it possible to set the source in OBS to ONLY take the audio part of the SRT stream from phone camera #1 while OBS is taking the Audio+Video from phone camera #2 at the same time.?? >>> RESULT = treating the AUDIO from phone camera #1 as the MASTER AUDIO while selecting one of the other VIDEO sources in OBS as the VIDEO output. ie> like multicam video switching along with the master audio.. Thank you..

Tomasz Góral

Active Member
1. is not possible, srt does not have time code sync in OBS.
2. on every scene add stream with master audio on bottom and cover other sources.


New Member
Hi there Tomasz.. thanks for your replies.
1. do you know if rtmp or rtsp can sync in obs.?
2. That would be the normal way I agree, but the SRT is coming in as one A/V stream. I was hoping that perhaps there is a way to configure OBS to take just the audio part of the stream..? And that would be the source that I would enter in every scene, as the master audio..!