Sounds Levels only when Muted


New Member
Thank you for your help! I'm not getting sound bars unless it is muted. No idea why - can't figure it out.



New Member
BTW if it is of any significance, the "mic/aux" source is USB audio from a Focusrite Solo. It was working, albeit with a horrible 2 sec+ audio lag, but while troubleshooting the lag and trying other inputs we ended up with this problem. As you can see, Windows (11) is recognizing the audio input, and OBS is receiving it, but it won't 'play' it. We've reinstalled the latest focusrite drivers.


New Member
I'm just starting to debug the same problem from a Behringer Soundboard USB audio input. It has worked fine for a few years but today the levels only show active when the obs input is muted. As soon as I unmute the input (in obs) the levels drop to zero and no audio is available on this channel.

Has anyone found a solution?


New Member
Greg333 helped me find the solution. I had Push-to-Talk enabled on the channel.
Go to Settings>Audio and Scroll down. Ensure that none of the Push-to-Talk checkboxes are checked and click Apply.
Problem solved.